A Question of Love...

in #love8 years ago

Why is it so much easier for us to point the finger and curse the other guys instead of opening our arms and blessing them?
Love does not create the divide, He closes it!!!

Love Always and Love Much,
Pastor Lea

Une question d'amour ...
Pourquoi est-il tellement plus facile pour nous de pointer le doigt et de maudire les autres au lieu d'ouvrir nos bras et de les bénir?
L'amour ne crée pas la fracture, il la ferme !!!

L'amour toujours et l'amour beaucoup,
Pastor Lea


Love is very deep and is supposed to be unconditional. Whereas what everyone understands love is that the other should change as per me. Forgetting am I wiling to change as per other. Love is most pure when unconditional and love believes in giving.
It is easy to put the blame on other.
Only when one loves deeply, can the other be accepted unconditionally

great point...