
in #love7 years ago (edited)


Maybe he can't remember when I suddenly say that we actually never met when in kindergarten (kindergarten). kindergarten it now which children play while learning, also know that his name friends. However, in fact, the girl is the only students whose name not I know. we almost never talk to each other. never one-time. it was when we share a candle toys. then, we had a subjects related to the creativity. on the day before, the teacher we did tell US to take at least a pack of wax toys. However, I forgot to take it. our teacher was asked for a pupil woman sitting next to to meminjamkanku most candle toy. "lend Alex most candle mainanmu, Yes?" Pinta teacher at the girl with a very friendly. the girl was, with a smile sweet, splitting the most candle and loaned to me. events such as it was just occurred once in a one year of it. I have not even know the name, and no matter who him. remember said my mother of the first to now- "you that, Inter alia, never the attention of the same people around you."  ago, who then would have thought that it turns out we meet again about 6 years later? that time, we never met when buying something in the shop near the House. I still not know the name. I just remember voice graceful time to talk to mother guard stalls. "buy sugar kilo, Yes mom," he said with a friendly. then, he is not at all aware of existence next. he just received a pack of sugar with heavy one kilograms it while submit a number of money to mother guard stalls. after that, he went so only. I was actually not put concern to know who girl haired pigtail two of it. in memory, he is just a girl ever meminjamkanku most candle toy. but still, smile at time of wax toys it never I forget. types of communication first I received from the girl.

a few years later, there was quick time once passed, I like suddenly it is in the bench junior high school. ever some time I was wondering, in junior high school where the girl in school. I often visit some junior high school in the city, both the state, or private, to compete with the group's basketball the schools. but as far as the eyes of view, in the middle of the game basketku, I never found her face. several times, when my friends take me to visit the cafeteria schools that, I took the self celingak-celinguk to simply find haired girl pigtail two that have not been also I know the name it. However, have not been there is also the result. entered in the end of junior high school, i'm sure, I met with the girl. well, not met directly, but i'm sure, I saw and recognize his face. then, I was in one of state high school in the city, to follow the entrance exam high school international standard. at pause lasts, when I was enjoying a snack with my friends in the cafeteria high school that, I accidentally looked at her. he was laughing with sweet with a friend, walk into a classroom. I really hardly believe that the girl was followed the entrance exam high school international standard as well, and happen the location of the test the same with me. fear of losing her again, I finally got up leaving my friends and over to classroom he entered earlier. I know, i'm not possible suddenly approached the girl and ask him to talk. therefore, the first thing I find about it is his name. I went to the window of the class and see a sheet attached in glass one of the window. there are listed plan seating exams for students in the class. there is a Photo also. I instantly search for her face in the sketch of the. that's where I like feel a relief. finally I know its name. year after year passed, not feel I already in the middle of the level of high school. I had forgotten the girl when 2 years never see it again. However, the origin of you guys know only. somehow, when hear his name, I still feel was-was, hoping to meet him again. the time after time passed, hope it had a chance to sink and forgotten with the advent of some girls who be a friend bermainku. be the captain basketball team made me continue targeted some girlfriend school. that is, they are vying to get the attention from me. at least that's what said to be friends one team basketku and teachers guidance counseling (bk) school, Pak Danang. Pak Danang tell everything to me on the sidelines break school. he said, the girl was often expressed outpouring of his heart on the Mr Danang about me. Pak Danang finally told me to put at least a little attention to the friends sister of it. it sounds strange if a teacher suddenly asked his students to reply to the attention of the people who crush on with it. but that's the only message at once statement a teacher of the most I remembered for high school. "try, reply attention has been provided by the people around you, Inter alia. you this guy. must be sensitive," said Mr. Danang, which then pinch fried tofu of fingers fingers. it turns out, it's hard to sensitive to the variety of real thing don't want I know, there I care about. but the more difficult it to find out the answers and information of the things that it would like I know, namely: where the girl stay? announcement graduation high school has fill happiness in the school of this. Meanwhile, the announcement received I at the University of my dreams has fill happiness is not only in my mind, but my parents. for this year, I have also find the answer questions in which the girl living, even had a chance to forget it. I can get into the University of my dreams, but for the second question about a girl only I could not find the answer. the day, I am more curious about the girl. why I am so often thought about it, though we are very, very rarely met?

the morning, I really visit kindergarten it. atmosphere children running reminded my childhood. my childhood with the girl who memory only sepercik. in the building small that, I met with mom ningsih, kindergarten teacher my first asking her dream to lend most candle toy for me. mom ningsih look older than the last I see it. he hardly recognize, even when I say that I never be one of his, he did finally give the expression "Oh, Alex! already a great all, you!" but i'm not sure if he really remember me. "all the data is here. from the first time kindergarten was built, data students school here always kept well, why," said Mrs. ningsih while flipping turn a archive. it right. all the data is stored, including information on the home address girl dream this. after grateful and farewell, I headed home this girl. don't think that the address is not far from my House. arriving in front of House girl, I was soon knocking on the front door and give regards. heart really beating fast. I was surprised to myself, how dare I visited home a girl who did not even recognize. had thought, what should I say on the girl, after we met later? should I immediately went to leave this House? but it's too late, when sound knop door opened. which opening of the fact is the mother of the girl. "allisa again to London at his brother, SIS. Incidentally, he new Aja keterima at the University padjadjaran. he was there for search Kosan." answer mother certainly made me surprised. it looks like I also feel very pleased. very, very happy. no relief also in my heart, because I did not ready to meet with allisa directly today. finally I am grateful and take leave self. when the door back closed, i'm a little pause in there, think of, why is my heart still not stop beating fast. unconsciously, I smiled alone on the Terrace of the House. until a sound very I missed, suddenly aware musings. "Alex?" I soon turned, leading to the sound source with expression can't believe. I saw allisa with sister her being smile-smile amused see US. allisa look shy closes his mouth, standing on the verge fence his own, while his brother leave US, enter the home. girl dream it is to bring a backpack in his shoulder. I hardly believe allisa just call my name is very clear. allisa still standing sculpting in place. I ventured to him. he looks nervous. he looked down, anxiety. "I don't nyangka we received at the University of the same," I said, after ventured. sentence was successful made allisa want to look at behind the second my eyes. he finally else avenge senyumanku, with a smile same sweetness when gave me a candle toys 12 years ago. when finally we speak, that is where I live aware that I during this has been in love him. I remember the words of my mother before I got in the presence of allisa right now. "never mother hear you up to that much attention at a girl, Inter alia. of the first, it turns out your attention just make him, after all." from the talks US, I learned a lot of things during this time I want to know. who would have thought that allisa still hold a candle toys first had I borrowed time kindergarten. who would have thought that girl dream this apparently was like me since 12 years ago, until now. who would have thought that I am the dream of a girl dream own.