Kinds of good love.

in #love7 years ago

Kinds of good love.

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Two days ago held the St. Valentine's day, also known as the day of love and friendship. Most people attribute this day the love of couples, but I particularly attribute on love in general terms. There are different types of love, for example it is not the same love to your parents that you love your partner.

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Love for a child is the most delivered, is the one where you sacrifice everything for the welfare and happiness of them. A mother's love goes beyond a kiss, a mother's love goes from the discipline, from the scolding, from the caress, from heal a scrape. A mother's love is in the sleepless nights scaring your child fever. The love of parents is that safe and warm hug, love where the heart bursts with joy when the child achieves their goals or that bursts of pain to see them suffer or die. Parents are not prepared to see die their children.
The love of grandparents, sometimes love is an accomplice, the accompanied children to the antics, which tells stories, which prepares snacks. The love of grandparents is that lulls you while it tells you stories of adventures and mysteries.
The love of family is the one that supports you, that drives you to be a better person, to manage soundly in a society. The love of family is laughs and dances at Christmas, is to sit down and share with everyone at the table, is to make a barbecue in the garden.
The love of friends is that full of laughter, complicity, secrets, adventure, studies and hobbies. The love of friends is one who tends to a hand unless you ask for it. Good friend speaks to you with the truth even if it hurts. The love of friends comforts you and tells you, Hey Let's go get some beers! Good friend is in the good and the bad and that's amore.

Couple love is the one where they leave being two to become one. It is that goose bumps to you, makes you dream and to project in the future. Couple love exploits you senses to Ecstasy. Couple love is to ensure mutual benefit and pleasure, is the one who dreams of becoming a nursing together. Couple love is where it prevails the respect, communication, passion, tenderness, romanticism, coexistence common arguments and reconciliations. The love of the couple moves to the world causes us to be more docile.

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Love for nature makes us take care of it and respect it, makes us enjoy every detail of it as from a simple sunset even the most sublime flower.
The love for humanity is that you doing good for nothing, is the one who tells you to you to help your neighbor, don't stay silent to injustice and barbarity.
There is the love of dance, music, theatre, the kitchen, among others and each person expressed it in various ways.
What if I tell you that true love will never cause pain, it never disappoints, never humiliates. True love is not selfish or evil. True love is God's work.
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Just ask friend of steemit, do not expect a special occasion like Valentine's day to show your love.
Greetings and blessings.