Straight Love

in #love5 months ago


Hi, my name is Andika. Nice to meet you, Cha." said a student to a new student in his class while offering his right hand.
"Yes, I'm Acha." answered the girl with the wide veil without accepting the hand offered to her.
Andika pulled back his hand which the girl in front of him didn't accept. "I was wrong, right?"
"What is your problem?" Acha asked.
"Um...," Andika took a short breath. “My hand.”
“Yeah, maybe not. I don't know whether you already know or not that we as Muslims of different genders have social boundaries." Acha explained.
"That means you've never held or been held by a man?" Andika asked enthusiastically.
"My father and my mahram once held my hand."
“No, I mean–”
“I'm busy, I'll say goodbye to the library first, okay?” said the girl cuttingly.
“He.. he.. Hey! I'm not finished yet!” Andika shouted, but was ignored. Andika looked at the girl with a smile on his lips.
“The mysterious girl is cool, intriguing, and very special.” he muttered.

Acha read one of the books he took from the pile of books he collected. He took out his round glasses and used them to read the book. All his concentration was focused on the content of the book he was reading. Andika sat in front of her without saying a word, she looked at the girl's face with a smile.

Acha closed the book and kept it on top of the pile of books he had chosen. When he looked ahead, he was surprised to see Andika looking at him with a smile. "You?"
"Sorry, okay... if it bothers you." said Andika.
"You're not bothering me, but a man has to be good at guarding his gaze." Acha said firmly, then left.
Andika felt confused, whatever he did always felt wrong in the girl's eyes. “You can't hold it, you can't just look at it either. What kind of woman is she?”
"A noble woman who is taking care of herself, her iffah, and her izzah." said a man behind him. He is Farhan, the most pious man on campus.
"Iffah, Izzah?" Andika asked confused.
"You don't know?" Farhan asked. Andika shook his head.
“He maintained his shame and honor. That is a sign of a woman's obedience." explained Farhan, then patted Andika on the shoulder. "Eat, recite the Koran... You are a prospective priest who must have sufficient provisions to practice." he continued.
"It's mandatory... Especially if you expect that girl to be your wife." he answered.
"Why are you accusing me of liking him?" said Andika.
Farhan chuckled, "Yeah... what else, people look."
"You like it too, right?" Andika asked, then Farhan smiled shyly.
“Ah… Lo. Accuse me, but you know it's the same." said Andika.

When he came home, Acha ran to catch up on time because he had to teach at a tutoring center. Then Andika blocked his steps with the motorbike he was riding.
“You need a ride? Want to ride my motorbike?" he offered.
“No, thanks.” the girl answered firmly.
“You know the movie Mariposa, don't you? There an Acha pleases the man she likes.” said Andika.
“I'm not Acha in Mariposa, I'm Acha in my life.” he stressed.
“Yes, the Acha over there is very easy, but this Acha is the mariposa.” said Andika.

"Then why did you invite me up there?" Acha asked firmly.
“If Acha can get her mariposa, maybe I can too.”
"What for? Petty love or puppy love?” Acha was annoyed.
"Yes...," Andika thought. “Aren't you in a hurry? Is it okay, please… to be alone in an emergency?”
“I'm no longer in an emergency, there's no one to lose but me if I'm late. I can take public transportation.” said Acha.
"But I want to help you." Andika emphasized.
“I need your help, I admit it, I do. Really need." Acha stressed.
Andika got ready, holding the handlebars of his motorbike. "If that's the case, just go up. No need to pretend–”
“But I can't.” Acha interrupted and surprised Andika. “Your help helps. However, I can't because Allah regulates our relationships, relationships between men and women."
“This is kindness, a good deed.” said Andika.
"You know? Even a famous pious man once fell and died as an infidel. It all started with him accepting to help a girl.” said Acha.
“Huh, really?” Andika was stunned. Acha immediately ran towards public transportation. Andika stared at him until his image disappeared.

“Maa shaa Allah, dream.” said Farhan who was suddenly beside him. This surprised Andika.
"Since when have you been here?" Andika asked.
"It's been a long time, seeing an angel." said Farhan.
"Heh, Acha said that men should be able to keep their eyes open." said Andika.
“Smart, yeah, Lo, now.” Farhan laughed.
"Basically, you... just look at it! Later he will be my girlfriend."
Farhan laughed again, "a good woman like her can't possibly accept your immoral invitation!" he said firmly and left.
"It's annoying...," Andika grumbled.

The next day, Andika went to meet Acha who was eating with chocolate and a rose. He was out of breath after running quite a distance.
"Acha, I like you," he expressed his feelings sincerely.
Acha looked at him for a moment, then ate his food and said, "thank you."
Andika didn't believe it. Those short words were all he heard. "You want to be my girlfriend, don't you?"
"We don't –"
"Please, don't bring up religion."
"Then no." Acha is firm.
"Why?" Andika's eyes lit up.
“I just want a man who has a good religion. He takes care of himself and has good morals." Acha emphasized again.
"Then -"
Farhan interrupted their conversation, "I am the future imam."
Andika was shocked, "That's really careless, you know!" he said laughing.
"He is indeed my future husband, he has come to my house with good intentions. Farhan has proposed to me." Acha explained, then left them.

Andika looked at Farhan with a sharp gaze. "Are you trying to corner me?"
“This is a good sharp turn.” said Farhan.
"Good? That's good, you say, huh?" Andika grabbed Farhan by the collar.
“The love that Allah loves is a halal bond of love. It is legal, and is bound by a contract in front of witnesses. Get married when you can afford it.” explained Farhan gently.
Andika released his grip on her hand. “Yeah, good girls for good boys.” he realized it.
“Yes, you have noticed. May Allah always give you guidance, okay?" said Farhan with a smile.
"Okay, thank you for giving me experience so that I understand about sincere love. Love because of Allah." Andika said realizing.