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RE: Perspective

in #love6 years ago

Nothing is as valuable as family... I had the privilege of being raised by a mother who taught me that early on.

I think this is a bitter sweet moment my friend... Because it brought you back into balance. As I'm sure you've heard me say.. not all value is measured with money... and becoming wealthy in one way, might mean become poor in others.

I'm pretty proud of you for sharing these thoughts with the community, for being brave enough to be vulnerable. You never know how many people needed to hear this message.

A big hug brother



Thank you, my friend! I know, you already told me something similarly, but I guess being bullheadedly also has it's downsides and I needed to learn it the hard way.

And regarding being vulnerable: I feel that's something I have to do, otherwise, how can I expect anybody to trust me in being a good witness? I don't want people to judge me in what I'll say I do, but in what I'm actually doing.

PS: I think, it also had something to do with a conversation I had with @lukestokes on SF³ about radical transparency.