in #love7 years ago

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A friend's mum died and since the mum was the bread winner of the family, life became very tough for the girl who was still a second year student in college. Without any insurance covering her expenses and also education she still had to push through to life.
Luckily for her, someone that the mother helped sometime ago through his education told her not to worry at all and that he was willing to cater for all her education and well being.
There were tears of joy in the ladies face. And all this joy was due to the fact that her mother was kind to someone some years back and in the mothers absence, her daughter was the one reaping her sweat.
Life has so many challenges; you may be up today but down the next. The most difficult aspect of it all is when you are down to nothing and there’s no one to lean on. So let’s try our very best to be kind to whoever that needs it.

There is one thing that I have learn about life and that is we cry today and smile the next moment. With its ups and downs we still push through. We may fall sometimes but later win the battle because life itself isn’t really a fairy tale but struggle and after all the struggles it becomes a meaningful one.

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KINDNESS goes hand in hand with LOVE and without love one can never be kind to others. It is indeed an inner call to do something good or beneficial for someone.
And how do we understand ‘to do something good or beneficial for someone’ it goes beyond the ordinary physical things such as
• Financial *
• Food
• Clothes
• Shelter
• Water

#But let’s give great insight to things that are not seen but felt with the heart in being kind towards others.
/Psychological needs/

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There are a lot of patients in psychiatric hospitals and rehabilitation centers worldwide who just needed people to be kind to them that could have prevented their condition from going worse to better or from not happening.
Can you recall the thoughts that came to your mind whenever you are lonely or alone? The fact that we all think and act differently whenever we are alone and also some natural factors makes us all venerable depending on how the situation looks like. This means that just normal greetings can heel someone from their problems or troubles and that is a way of being kind to that person.

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We all might be busy with work and other stuff but the small time we set aside for family, friends and loved ones is GOLDEN.

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Family is the greatest gift that one can have in life. And it doesn’t matter if the people involved are biologically related to us. For me I believe that anyone can be your family or part of your family as long as you get your comfort and peace of mind whenever you are with them. And to make this big institution work perfectly we need to be kind to each other as often as possible so that the family bond could be tighter day by day.

I remember I visited my grand mum sometime ago and what she told me was ...

“ it was kind and thoughtful of you to pay me a visit” and I felt so happy because I was able to put a smile on her face.

There are some people whom we think are ok in life and might not be having any psychological help from us due to the little physical support they get from people in the soceity but they are the ones that need it the most.
• Minor groups or special care groups of the society( Ophans, disabled and aged)

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Among all the struggles in life if we devote a little bit of our time to help others that could be committing suicide due to a psychological problem by being kind to them through sharing our experiences in life with them would be of great benefit to the ones that needs it.

Being kind to people on the street, at work place and all social gathering makes us play a very important role in our daily lives and it makes life worth living for.

This motivational piece has been duly referenced


Kindness is the way to be humans with others..

Yeah, absolutely. As humans we need love and kindness so that we can make the world a better place for others to survive.@azen

We are al equal..

what an agonizing story. poor little girl.

Kindness is a relief to human souls. This is why the Creator entreat us to show kindness to one another. @mavisxyz. Well done.

Absolutely. I agree with you @emmanuelacheamp and thanks:)