Are you FRIENDZONED? - Relationship Potato Chips - [Part 1]

in #love7 years ago


Relationship Potato Chips A.K.A relationship advice for those in relationships and those who are single...

Today's topic: 7 Signs that a person is just not that into you

🍟1. Not breaking the touch barrier:


When someone you're interested in doesn't make physical contact with you, it's likely you're friendzoned. Physical contact is a form of intimacy and affection, it also indicates comfort. This is one of the ways in which people show they like and want to be close to one another. Greeting in the form of a hug, gently brushing you after you tell a funny joke, or touching places such as your shoulders, knees or arms would be considered breaking the touch barrier.

🍟2. Takes more than a day to respond to texts:


You're probably friendzoned if the person you're attracted to takes longer than 24 hours to respond to your messages. This might be an indication that you're not a priority to the person. Of course there are cases where the person might have been too busy to respond. Remember that if the person likes you they would at least let you know they wont be able to talk and not just leave you hanging.

🍟3. Body Language:


Body language can tell us a lot about someone. It can tell you that a person wants you to be closer or that a person wants you to go away. The person you like may not always just tell you that they're not into you, therefore reading their body language can be an incredibly handy trick. Folded arms, hiding hands or pointing feet in the direction away from you would be a sign that the person is uncomfortable around you and that you're most likely friendzoned!

🍟4. You make all the effort:


There are times that the person might be extremely busy or it's just easier for you to go to them. However, if it seems like you're doing all the work to meet up, it's another sign that you're not that persons priority and that they don't care about your time. If the person really was eager to see you, they'd do whatever it takes to see you.

🍟5. Cancelling plans at the last minute:


Things may change unexpectedly but It's clear that a person is not into you if they constantly cancel plans to hang out or do something together. If the person cancelled but reschedules that might just be the case of unexpected things happening so don't assume the worst yet.

🍟6. Not offering anything to the conversation:


When someone really likes you they will try their best to keep the conversation going. Meaning if the person doesn't do much to keep the conversation moving, it means they don't care if the conversation goes anywhere at all. Even shy or awkward people would make an attempt to talk if they really like someone.

🍟7. Check phone at every chance:


While a person giving a certain amount of attention to their phone is normal, eagerly checking every notification that pops up is a sign that your conversation is just not as important. If the person really enjoys your company they'd be too distracted by you to check their phone.

So please be on the lookout for these signs especially if you wanted clarity on where you stand with that certain someone you've been eyeing for a while but can't get a good read on.

Relationship Potato Chips [Part 1]. Stay tuned for more...

Have a GREAT day - @mattwhoraps