Some bad habits which are harmful for brain...

in #love7 years ago

Some bad habits which are harmful for brain...

It's not good to keep brain idly and it's also not good to go through a great deal of pressure. Eating, habit, environment etc are impact negatively on brain and may crocked our brain's activity. So, we should be aware of it and keep it gingerly. I would like to share 8 harmful stuffs with you all which are given below.

  1. Not taking breakfast in the morning : If you don't take breakfast in the morning, brain doesn't get aliment due to lower glucose in blood. If this process continues, the brain gradually lose it's working power.

  2. Excessive eating : The habit of eating excessive ruins the elasticity of brain's vascular. Many anxiety take place because of it.

  3. Excessive eating sweet : It creates obstacle in digestion and absorption of fat and other aliments of food which impact in brain and play negative role in evolution of brain.

  4. Smoke : Smoke not only cause of cancer but also it crunches the brain. Consequently, this may cause of erase memories from brain promptly.

  5. Air pollution : Because of air pollution, brain's activities become slower. Oxygenated air can't reach in our brain, gradually brain starts to lose it's work power and suffer from depression.

6)Insomnia : Sleep is a beneficial thing for human brain. Proper sleep keeps the brain's cells sound and keeps it tension free. They who suffer from insomnia and can't sleep properly because of urgent work they should be conscious. Because insomnia is a reason of dying cell.

7)Cover up head during sleep : Most of people cover up their head with lap, blanket or khanta during sleep. It's not good for brain. That time the measure of Carbon-Di-Oxide increases and brain doesn't get proper oxygen. It's too much harmful for it.

  1. Do hard work with sick health : When you are sick, you should keep yourselves away from hard work and excessive study. You have to be rest. Because hard work during sickness may decrease your thinking capacity and you will may have to suffer from long-term brain related diseases.

Brain is the most important thing for all of us that's why, we are the best creation of our creator because of this brain. Keep it safe and sound.2034749830_d54c1a8aa7_o.jpg


it's up to us to determine the perfect amount any substances enter to our body..and you'll be wise. knowing the level strength and flexibility