RE: "What would someone who loves themselves do
In my opinion he obviously hasn’t made a break from this woman. It doesn’t matter if he was with her for 9 years or 9 weeks. The fact he still provides for her is just not good enough. Why is he providing for her when he could be providing for you. This guy has a lot of baggage and still feels attached to this woman and if I was you I would move on and find someone who will give you all of his attention. Not someone who is giving most of their attention to some other woman. Also, the fact she said”why are you calling my man” when you rang him is very fishy indeed. Maybe he is also telling this other woman that you are an ex girlfriend who he still feels an obligation to. Find someone who loves you with no strings attached and no baggage and you will feel loved and feel a lot better about yourself otherwise next thing you know this guy will be asking to borrow money off you. The fact you have made this post tells me you already know what you have to do so you need to just make the break and find someone who is right for you. I’m sure you will have no problem doing that. Look after yourself.
Nice one. Thanks
I’m not sure if my opinion is what you want to hear but some things happen for a reason and there will always be someone better who comes along. Your Mr right is out there but I don’t think this guy is him. Once you find him you will feel a lot better about yourself, your self esteem will get a boost and you won’t be questioning your relationship.