What is Love ?

in #love7 years ago (edited)

These past few weeks have been kind of stressful so i couldn't write my stream of thoughts series but i have a question for the full steemit community.
yesterday in a bus i heard two people arguing; two ladies actually saying that they will only go out with any dude that would be able to satisfy them sexually, financially and also be able to give them at least 70 percent of their time. i strolled through the streets of my mind trying to understand the rationale behind these assertions i asked questions and i answered a few of them.
First of all what is the place of sexual intercourse in the procurement of a relationship and what does it entails or carries as a criteria to say a particular sexual intercourse is better and satisfactory to a female with a particular male or what makes it unsatisfactory. i tried to answer and i thought maybe its the amount of time one is ready and willing to have sexual intercourse which is what we can call the libido, if that is the case what really makes ones libido higher than another. Another answer i got was that maybe its about the sex organ, maybe the size is a matter in this and the smaller or shorter the sex organ of a man the more less likely he is to get a second night with a female, then i asked myself what actually causes a persons penis to be bigger than normal and to be smaller than normal. My mind could only trace it to hereditary or was it something they did that made it so, i then remembered many stories i read only about men jelping ;which is the art of tying a rope with a huge ball on the penis to make it longer, and has always caused serious or fatal injuries to those who practised it. I then thought maybe its not all of this but maybe its the amount of time spent during a sex session, because i remember when i started having sex i used to ejaculate almost immediately and this was due to the anticipation i had and my friends who found out would call me a 5 minute god and i dont know why but i felt a bit embarrassed. if that is the case then that article i read about healthy people ejaculating faster was wrong. as i thought about all these i zoned out from this into the financial aspect of what these ladies were saying.
Financially what does love have to do with finance, what does feelings and togetherness have to do with finance, or money,wealth, well i think maybe its a survival thing , i remember they said ''there is no peace in poverty'' well maybe there is no love in poverty because when you are hungry i guess the heart cant love, but the radio was on and the news i heard from it was tragic , so why would a lady expect a financially fit dude in this 21st century when she herself is actually not financially fit knowing that we cant give what we don't have or take what we cant give. i know how people referred to Jay Z and Beyonce a power couple and i asked myself wpould they still do so if Jay Z was wealthy and Beyonce was broke. well i dont know maybe that is me being a chauvinist.
as i think of all these i ask myself what really is the criteria for love ?.