Advice for Love

in #love7 years ago

I don't claim to be a love expert, or even accomplished in this aspect. I just have experience being the matchmaker amongst friends. And honestly, if you're looking for love advice from me, you are on your last legs. First things first, What is this thing that we call "love"? Most people's first mistake is they don't know what love actually is. It seems like a simple answer, that is just very intense feelings for someone, but it isn't always that simple. I believe that love is what each individual person makes of it. That everyone views love and feels it in a different way. So if you're having trouble finding love, just take a few minutes to really to think yourself, and ask yourself, "What is love to me?" if you can answer that you're already on the right track. Another is trust and personal space. Everyone knows that at the beginning of the relationship that all you really want to do is to be with the other person, but it is important that you don't smother the other person. It is awesome and amazing to spend time with the other person, but you do live your own completely separate lives. Having some time away from each other is healthy. You need to find a balance between being together and being apart that works. And trust. The biggest one that everyone has trouble with. There is a thing as too much trust. If there is a lot of close personal friends telling you to maybe be wary of cheating or sneaking around, then you should probably start looking for some things. Don't blindly trust them, I know you like them or love them, but in the end, they are just human. This also means don't have too little trust in them. The shorter a leash they have the more likely they will try to get off said leash. That being said, moderation is the name of the game when it comes to love. And the last thing i'm going to cover is how to deal with a cheating partner. Everyone has probably had to deal with at least 1 in their lifetimes or will. There are a couple of ways of dealing with a cheater, and the situations should be handled in regards to the actual situation. If it is a person who cheats once and comes clean out of guilt, don't kick them to the curb immediately, they have potential to come back from it. If you decide to give them another chance however, don't hold the cheating thing over their heads as leverage. That will just make them resent you. If it is a Cheater who does it a couple times but you catch them and they feel guilty. It should be up to your discretion as to what you want to do. But if it is a serial cheater that doesn't feel guilty just move on, no matter how much it hurts you. But, if you just cant break yourself off from loving a cheater, then there is maybe a way to win their heart back in your favor. It might work, it might not, and it could take a very long time to actually work. I call it the Taoist method. In Taoist philosophy, water is the softest force in the world, but yet it is also the hardest force. It can flow through rock given time. Imagine the heart of your cheating partner as a hollow rock and your love as water. You want to just slowly erode the stone until eventually you break through. This can be done by making sure you're there for them when they go through bad times, and you constantly support them and give them love. Eventually you should fill their heart with your love, and they will be completely yours. I don't promise that anything i have said will work, or that it is even effective. Its just me giving friendly advice to someone who wanted it, or somehow needed it.