It won't be long now

in #love7 years ago

I'm not easily impressed. You could have spent years studying in school, and have degrees and letters after your name. I'm not impressed.

Your ability to jump through hoops and do as you are told? It doesn't win my admiration. I don't care how much stuff you have stacked up in your home or homes either. Yawn "The things you own OWN YOU."~Tyler Durden, Fight Club

Attachment doesn't impress me. Your goals and dreams, your desires, don't particularly interest me either.

Don't you know this place is like a train platform, or a city bus terminal? Your life is this brief period of time waiting for your number to arrive. Your physical vehicle, your body, is like a whisp of momentary smoke and then gone.

And mostly all I hear is people talking about how much money they want to get, and what stuff they are going to pile up...or how their body or someone else's body is shaped. Some people tell me they are all about making this brief wait at this bus stop into "an extraordinary life"---a layover that the other travelers are gonna be talking about for many whisps of momentary smoke to come.

Some say it's about the adventures, the experiences, the geography of your wanderings. Got some fame? Know someone famous? I'm not impressed. And if you were trying to impress anyone or seek anyone's approval, I'd really be unimpressed.

But if you dropped those walls, tore down your own defenses, that'd be awesome, really amazing, truly significant. Not much else has meaning in the long run. Degrees and money, achievements and toys---ARE NOT ALLOWED ON THE BUS.

But you could use this brief passing time to get naked, real and vulnerable, despite the pain and terror of facing your past losses, traumas, disappointments, betrayals and failures.

Why not feel those wounds so you can let them move on? You could forgive yourself, love yourself and maybe connect with passing travelers in a way that will have meant something when your number, or theirs, arrives. It won't be long now.


Stoked to see you on here man. I've enjoyed your writing and ideas for a long time now. You are among the top three thinkers Ive never met but have followed incessantly for years. Kurt Hardesty, Marco Rodin, and yourself. You've certainly had an affect on this passing traveler....Thanks for that

Good to hear. Thanks for the comment. :)

Education, money, etc. are simply "means to an end", which for most people means a comfortable, happy life AND doing what you LOVE to do.

I do not regret my extremely lengthy formal education (M.D. then Ph.D.) since I loved those subjects when engaged in them. And much of what I learned was/is helpful in life even to this day.

I was lucky in that my last (4th) profession (now retired) started out as a hobby I loved, so I changed careers and made it my profession. I used to marvel that I was getting paid (a LOT !!!) to do what I loved so much and would have done for free !!!!

I appreciate your experience, jhh. I consider myself massively overeducated for practically everything that I do. I've learned that very few people (for their own good reasons) are interested in discussing theories and applications of psychological or philosophical principles! (If you know someone who is, please refer them to me!) I began my third career in 2000, and now I'm here (career number four??)

THANKS JAMES>.. my account @somena will not currently let you be added to my follows. :( I dont know why... Love ya brother... see you when the exodus begins from Facebook! xoxoxoxoox

Thanks for your lovely perspective, jh. Authenticity rules when it comes to clear communication, doesn't it? Pretension is only acceptable to the pretentious!