Strange, I Liked Her..

in #love7 years ago

The rain was still falling so hard. Many times I looked out. I'm still worried, does she really come? The rain did not appear to be abated even more so. Ah, he told me to come at three o'clock. But it's already half past four. Is not she always asking me not to be late? But now? Ah never mind. I'll be waiting in half an hour.

Not so long, a schoolgirl ran to avoid the rain. He was so hurried and finally reached this place. I can only stare at the bag and the wet uniform. What's this girl thinking about?
"Sorry I'm late. How? We start now? "The girl in front of me does not look uncomfortable or anything. Although almost his entire body has been wet. Instead, she smiled with a full face.
"All right, let's get started! At five o'clock I have to go home. I have a lot of work today. "He immediately removed some water from his uniform, hair, as well as the bag he had made an umbrella.

The girl immediately sat down and opened a book that he just removed from his bag. The movement is very fast. He continued to open the pages of the Indonesian book, and soon found the page that became our task this time. I guess I can not even get that fast. Many times my attention focused on him. I'm just wondering what's the girl in front of me? Even after being confined to the class for twelve hours, plus two hours of journalism, he still looks fit. While I'm a lot of skipping school hours and did not go extra, was not strong enough to resist sleepiness especially when cold-cold like this.

Because I paid too much attention to it, I completely forgot my book. I did not even hear what my friend said. There is one thing that really makes me uncomfortable.
"Hey, quickly open your book!" Her screams finally made me realize. I hurriedly opened the LKS. But, again. The girl who is currently busy scratching the alphabets in the book stole my attention. I really can not stand this time ...

"Ta, your glasses? It's dewy. "I say shyly. The words came out of nowhere, and instantly made Sita stop. Ah, I'm so shy. I think I've bothered her. But the girl smiled instead.
"Yeah, Robet. I see it too. "Sita said casually. "But still, I can still see, really. Uh, let's get started! I told you, right. I have many tasks today. "The completion then returns to the initial busyness.

However shortly, suddenly he stopped. Sita release glasses and wiped lenses concave it with the end of uniform White. then he used again and again sink with pencil and lks language Indonesian. while I. once again just looked at him with wonder. not so long, heavy rains it began to subside. some children visible through the Terrace our class to the parking lot. they are willing to go home. Ah, I also want to go home. but Sita still so the spirit of telling the story of a person named Hanafi and corie de busse. he managed to make more sleepy. whether how many times I evaporate? even repeatedly also kutengok hours wrapped around the wrist my hand. I hope he will run quickly so can I ask Sita replenish discussion today. "well, when viewed from the whole story in the novel, the answer a was wrong. although the answer is in accordance with a fragment of this, but is not in accordance with the whole story novel." Sita appoint a line of paragraph worksheet US. "tuh right, bener. right answer is A." he said he shows the key to answer it hold. Sita deliberately appointed to guide me learn Indonesian. therefore, he had a key answers directly given by our teacher. my grades in Indonesian is the worst in class. while Sita is the best students often believed teachers help US to learn. I was a half disbelief see this. answer it is true. how he could have such thoughts and find the right answer among the option to me right all? I guess, he must have pulverize out the novel. he even understand all the way the story. i've seen the book in the library. novel was very thick. crazy, read the one sheet alone makes my eyes reel while Sita memorized the story to Peel. hmmm .... Sita also not there are tired. after the problem was solved, he soon continues to about the next. but, huah ... again I evaporated. i've not hold. "duh, TA. I sleepy ..." Sita immediately stop reading. head uprise. he looked at me with the face serious full asked. it scared. what I make angry? "Hey ... we continue tomorrow, Yes." actual I don't heart to say this way. but I already say it. I really want to go home. huah .... I evaporate again. "Yes it, we home." said Sita truly successful made me back brightly. "really?" I wish Sita are no kidding. "Yes. come on, we go home!" face Sita serious this time. he was smoothing the book and tools he wrote then enter into the bag Green. yey ... my heart cheering happy. I also be packed stuff. "Yes already. tomorrow early can also be." somehow, I usually lazy, now so spirit. I so want once reply to goodness Sita today. I want to replace a few minutes less for guidance this afternoon. "could not, I want to watch MotoGP. next week only." Sita standing and get home. we really home when new learning an hour. this is still four o'clock. I can bonus half an hour this afternoon. "Sita ... thank you, Yes ..." shout in front of the class. Sita was turned and waving his hands with a smile reply lambaianku. he definitely confused to find the origin of voice call him. coincidence that time there are some other students who are in the corridor of it. therefore, I think I need to waving my hand. often met, made me know he suffered miopi severe. minusnya already high so views very bad. it was definitely because of the effects of properties tick his book that have been the level of acute. this afternoon air so bright. Sun remains light and cool air as usual. may later will not rain. but it is that I was expecting. I have a plan nice today. "tumben once you spirit like this?" Sita haste packed goods. "anyway, if not now, I don't want to the discussion again." he continues I forced because he is difficult asked to leave the activities jurnalistiknya. Sita continue to ask me about where we go. even when we got our goal, he still asked what we really going to get into it. after know I did ask him to go, he was excited true. sense of enthusiasm upset when has real before we grass Green and row seat fiber. eyes Sita not ceaselessly observe every corner this place. even therefore also, he's so very slow. many times I had to remind him standing silent. he too fun admire this place. this made me a little upset because this place is very hot and I want to immediately take shelter. but, see the smile non-stop and downs in lips Sita, making all letihku lost. already I think, bring Sita to Stadium definitely successfully. Sita, such as his nickname as a girl strange, he is not the same as in general girl. in addition to MotoGP, girl strange it is also an enthusiast the ball. few days ago, nights I call her. I want to ask a question of mathematical made me confused. ago, what he said that time? he asked me to think of yourself about it because he's ... he was watching Manchester United, MU. who would have thought, her unadorned it really like it macho like that.  and, as there right now. he was very happy when i'm taking to Stadium. this is the first time he get into it. already so his dream can feel the sitting in the stands. just look at the field with some athletes run are practicing just make happy, what if the team city we are competing in here. you know own answer. we finally choose to sit in the Tribune VIP roofed. then, we started again our activities such as usual. open book and began to discuss problems Indonesian. I usually come to this place to watch the ball, today deliberately come to learn. Yes, at the end, I enjoyed also learning this group. Sita was able to patiently teach me. value language indonesiaku also started climbed. even with the other things. thing. Ah, later I say. I am not sure.

Learning in the open is another taste. I did not yawn much today. Likewise with clock viewing. Problems I can answer correctly. All really smooth. Until we did not feel there was almost two hours there.

Once we're done, we just realize. Black clouds have been in the sky. Bright sun has been evicted overcast thick that now shade the sky. The rain may soon come down.
Just a few steps, the grains of water suddenly invaded us. We ran to save ourselves. Sita dared me to speed at the stop not far from where we are now.

"Hahaha, you lost, right ..." Sita constantly laughed at me.
I laughed too. Several times we had time to elbow to get to the first at the bus stop. But I did not think he was fast. I admit I've lost. Our laughter was still chuckling between our panting breaths. We laughed at each other about how we won the race. And, unintentionally, our eyes met. I found a beautiful eye behind that dense thick lens. I wanted to take off the glass, wipe it up so I could see the beautiful eyes clearly. But the eyes were hastily hiding in the light of my cornea. Breze ... All so frozen. Instantly, our laughter slowly subsided, also with our suddenly stopped breath. The only sound is that the rain fall from the roof of the bus stop.

Sita edged. He sat down immediately and his hands moved uncertainly. Suddenly wiping clothes, smoothing hair, fix the position of his bag. Sita is like a confused person. But I'm enjoying his mischief.

Her hair is tied simple to the back. Some of the little hairs are wet. The uniforms are not ironing sleek. His green sash bag that had been worn. Her brown skin is drier than my skin. Also, the thick black-frame glasses whose lenses he often let go dewy. Similarly, his face is often oily and dull. Really, he's not the ideal girl type. There are even dozens of girls in my school who are much prettier than her. But, he always managed to be a magnet for me. Even now, my eyes are still watching her suddenly become stiff.

She can always be beautiful without makeup and beautiful looks. When she reads a book, she is beautiful. When she writes, she is beautiful. When she explained, she was beautiful. And the prettiest is when he reads while hears a few words with colored markers. I like that moment. While he was concentrating heavily on his book with some strands of hair loose from his ties. Also with his sunglasses down to the pointless end of his nose. That's natural. Beautiful.

A few moments passed without our conversation again. We were silent. The bus that never came to make the atmosphere more cold in the rain is still heavy.

"So, you every day like this?" I asked trying to break the silence.
Apparently my question surprised him. I did not think he was that tense.
"Tell you what?" He asked. His face looked confused.
"Waiting for the bus."

Every day Sita uses public transportation. As for me, this is the first time I've done this job. Waiting for the bus. I'm not really on a bus. I took the bike but parked at school. Our school is still a few meters from here. But, the rain held me at this stop, along with Sita who is now just silent.

I kept trying to break the residence. Sita also tried to be ordinary. However, the awkwardness still does not disappear instantly. He did not even look at me as we spoke. Sita came back like the first time we met. He is so shy and not much biacara.

The rain and the bus are really on my side. They allowed me to stay with him longer. Until a bus starts docking then takes Sita away. It makes me a little heavy. I. I still want to be with him longer. Talk to him, or even just staring at him. I still want that. I may be crazy. I think I've fallen in love. Yes, I'm finally sure to say this. Sita, my strange friend, I like her.