14 Day Star

in #love7 years ago (edited)

Two more days of classroom upgrades. All passed unnoticed. The days I spent with him seemed so quick. Like smoke braving the wind, missing nothing left. No, not because there's nothing beautiful I've carved with him. But this is because the sense of comfort that menelusup without permission, so that makes the owner of the heart is always happy heart.

People say, the friendship between men and women is nothing purely intertwined with no more sense. So also with the words of my friends who are also his friends. That's what they say, but I do not really care. All I know is that we're friends since we're in the fourth grade of elementary school, nothing more. Not so long ago, only six years have passed.

Every time he goes home, we always take the time to just go alone, before or after each family vacation. As you guessed, he did choose to study far, far from me, as well as the family, of course. When he comes home, we often make trips to the sights by motorbike, yes, we can say we like to travel, or we just go for his favorite culinary hunt that he can not enjoy while in the dorm, and often he comes to my house just to watch an action-thriller or comedy-romantic movie with me.

Unlike the previous holidays, this time he took two weeks off, and we spent his time together. Thirteen days pass is not enough to repay the longing that is in this heart. Just imagine, six months did not meet, no communication, once met in just a matter of days. Is that enough for you? I do not think so, right?

Last night, he called me and asked me to go the next day to buy some things he would bring back to the dormitory, all for a walk, he said. Without a second thought, I said yes.

Today is the fourteenth day, that means it's the last day with him before he goes back to the dorm. It's now nine o'clock in the morning, but he's already appeared in my living room. When I was ready, I asked him to have breakfast first, but he refused, had breakfast at home, he said.

Actually I did not know where to go, but I did not say anything, nor did I ask. As if he understood what I was thinking, after I was wearing a jacket and a helmet, he said the Jamus Tea Garden, our destination this time. I just nodded and immediately occupied the back seat of his motorcycle that was welcome to me.

Almost two hours journey plus a field that can not be said good, enough to make the body feel sore, finished rest for a moment, he took me up to the top of this tea garden. Like the style of most young people, do not forget we joked also berselfie ria on our sidelines ride to the top.

The tiredness was sure, but it was all paid for by the beautiful landscape freely exposed in front of both of my eyeballs. Not in vain tired-tired up here, I thought.

"Tired, Ra?", He asked.
"Pake again, yes it is clear. But already ilang kok, tired, tau not why? ", I replied to ask back.
"Nah, why emang?", He asked back.
"Because ditemeninnya same Andauuu", I replied while installing puppy-eyes.

"Euwhh .. Little sister learn ngegombal from whom, anyway?", He teased.
"Ahahaha, enggak kok, boong. Hehe. Because the scenery is good anyway, so tired so ilara aja ", I replied that made him laugh.

There was silence, which was only a slow conversation between other visitors. Me and he are both busy with their own thoughts. The wind blows hard, the heat of the sun becomes invisible because of the cool air of the plantation. Five minutes passed, he spoke again.

"Do you want a drink?", He offered.
"Emang take it?", I asked back.
"Hehehehe, baseball hell, it's my bag I titipin in the parking post", he chuckled.
"Bring also not, so kok nawarin", sindirku.

"Yes, let's go down, buy a drink downstairs, continue the streets again", invite him.
"Yeeee, nice to invite down. The game is not worth the same trip here? Probably far, the road is not smooth, up here ngabisin 25 minutes, then just sit a quarter of an hour, uh invited back home, huh! ", Omelku.
"Well, this is ya, prospective mating mothers began to grumble. Yeah, what do you want now? ", He replied.

I just kept quiet, enjoying the fast wind gusts of tea plantations in Ngawi, East Java. There was silence again, I noticed that he took his handphone out of his pants pocket, played the music in his playlist and connected with a headset that had somehow been clumped on both leaves of both ears.

Half an hour later I asked her to come down, she just obeyed as I pulled her wrists slowly. While walking down, he turns off the music and then removes the headset.

"De, how? Said the end of last holiday you shoot girls? Have not you? "I began the conversation.
"Well, Ra. But, yes, so ", he replied.
"Why? You rejected huh? Hahaha ya already sure, who also want to be with you ", mock me.

"You, Ra. In fact, who awaits me every time almost your holiday, if I go home, that every day I also you ", he replied.
"Yeee, we are emang already friendship from the past, and forever will be so, De", I replied that without me know enough menohoknya.

"You're right, Ra. I was rejected with him ", he replied sober.
"She's my friend's school, the end of last semester I did not shoot him. But yes the name of boarding school that impose a ban for bring hp, we finally lost contact ", he continued.

"Lah, how can a lost contact, anyway? Should be in school can still meet, although obviously you are different dormitories. You son, he is daughter hehe ", I replied playfully.
"Yeah, Ra, he moved not long after refusing me. She's a school there because her sister works there. His brother's army, Ra. But what I understand hell, her brother moved task to the border area, finally he moved back again to Sleman, his parents' home. And if I think too, why should move? There he is a dorm, do not stay with his brother, so want his brother moved kek, enggak kek, also the same aja, right? ", He explained at length.

"Uh, yeah, too. Bener said you, De. Continue? This holiday time how? Are you fighting with him again? "I started enthusiastically.
"When the beginning of the holiday I just activate hp tuh, I started on sosmed again. Keep him nge-whatsapp me. Initially nanya news, how things are in school, continue temen-temen there also how. Yes rich so wrote, anyway. Abis it long time he asked Andrean, my roommate. After the stories, they turned out to be two weeks before I shot him. How ill do not try? Ha ha. But not papa hell, because I've been able to move on ", he explained again.

"Wah wah new cemcem ya, cepet gih, shot, later triggered by someone else lo. But do not forget, De, if already invented, do not forget to treat ya. Hehehe ", I replied half mockingly
"You mah ya so, Ra. Thinking about eating a mulu sleep, how would not singles, Neng? ", Sarcastically I replied with the pin-pinch in his left arm.

Nothing we've got back down below. With a giggle, he ran to the parking lot to pick up the bag he was entrusted with. Not to mention he also thanks me afterwards.
He immediately equated his step to be parallel to me who had preceded him to get to his motorcycle. After our step is the same, we step slowly. Slow but sure.

Arriving at his motorcycle parking lot he handed me his bottle to drink first. I grabbed the transparent bottle, I opened the lid, and I took a sip of it. While I was drinking, I could see that he was leaning against his bike with a slightly angry face.

"Why, De? So what? ", I finished drinking.
"Nah kok, Ra", elaknya.

"Oiya, De, he said already move on? Who's the same, huh? Why not tell me? ", I sneered.
"You want to know, Ra? Bener? "He asked, which I just answered with a steady nod.
"His name is Aira", he replied curtly.

"Eh his name is deh rich my name", I replied innocently.
"Claire Fadellannastasya", he answered clarified.
"I? How come? Joking mulu from yesterday, huh! ", I can make sure my voice goes up an octave.

"What is wrong with you? Yes in fact emang you, Ra. Six years of our friendship, all this time that can understand me when I'm far away, when I can not love you news, when I can not get a holiday because I get punishment, it's you, Ra. You are always waiting for me to go home, which temenin me everytime I want to go for a walk, who want me to jailin every time again together. I do not even know how long this feeling has changed, Ra. What I know, after last holidays, I always want to come back to the holiday again so I can meet you, the same with you, the core continues with you. I know, difficult for us ngejalani emge later, because emang if any status we change, surely all already not the same again. But I hope you stay so Aira that I know all this time "

I know he has not finished talking. Still with a pounding heart, I just stared at him. He took a little breath and then continued his sentence.

"Ra, will you be mine?", The four words successfully make me gawk. With a little bit of awkwardness, I tried to chuckle softly.
"Hehehe, what are you doing, De? Udah, yuk, go home ", my elak.
"I'm serious," he said, looking fixedly into my eyes.
"I'm tired, De. I want to go home ", alibiku.

There was silence. That sounded just the roar of a motor engine in front of this man and also the sound of other visitors vehicles. The journey home felt more quickly. Almost two hours I spent daydreaming on the motor that he used to ride me. The words were still in my ears. How can?

I felt the speed of the motor I was slowing down and the ending stopped. True, did not feel I was back to my house. Soon I got off the bike and thanked him for driving me home.
It was only a step forward after I had turned around to the fence of my house, feeling a palm gently pulling my right wrist. Suddenly I immediately turned to the owner of the palm of the hand.

"How, Ra?", He asked.
"What, De?", My alibi.
"Aira, May I be yours?", He asked again.
"Sorry, De," I said quietly.

"Ah, yes, I know what you answered", he said.
"No, De, not that. Honestly, I love you. You're my best friend, De. I love you as a friend. But sorry, I can not accept you, De. Why? Because I'm afraid the rich you say. If our status is not the same, I'm afraid it's not anymore Aira who is eagerly waiting for a Dean to go home. I'm afraid it's no longer Aira who can not receive news by a Dean for one semester. I'm afraid of that, De. I love you, you love me, it's still, De. Is not we always like that? We remain friends, Dean, and as I have said, forever will be like that ", I explained.
He just nodded.

"Last malem time on the phone he wants to buy the necessities also to be brought back tomorrow? Not so, De? ", I asked to clear the conversation ..
"Originally it's just an alibi let you follow the street, not most asked. hehe ", he grins.
I glared at and poked at his jacket-covered waist.

"Oh yeah, tomorrow you go back to the dormitory right? May I go to Malang? Come with you, De. Can I? Yes yes yes? ", My flirt while installing puppy-eyes.
He rolled his eyes lazily.
"Aira, if you're rich, how can I refuse? Yes already, tomorrow morning at 7 pm dateng wrote to the house ", he replied.
Afterwards I just kissed with a cocked eyelid and ran into the house while chuckling.

Dean Aditama. The star shines on my fourteen-day break this semester. Ah, I do not think it's just this semester, but the last six years. Dean, you're my best friend, and forever will be like that.



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