What I Know About Love

in #love7 years ago


This is a story of how to enter the kingdom of love. This is a story and an answer. When the time is right, we are given a piece of a key. It fits together with one other piece. We suddenly, unexpectedly find this other piece and it's accompanied by another person. This person may not fit the description in our heads of the perfect person. We have expectations and our ego has certain desires. But, this person was chosen for us. So, to enter this exclusive, magical perfect place, each person must be brave enough to do so with this stranger. If we can openly and willingly do so, things beyond our wildest imaginings will occur. The funny thing is, the sad thing is, usually at least one of the people given this opportunity is too scared to accept. Does the key piece stay solid until the other realizes the gift? Or, does it dissolve and disappear after some amount of time, and not become usable again until another lifetime? Let's imagine though two people who are holding hands and bravely decide to use this key and step into this beautiful new world. And, let's imagine that more and more people have this kind of courage every day.