in #love8 years ago (edited)

I am thinking about Love and Oneness and it seems that Love is an energy/grace that is in and through all that gives Oneness life (I take a moment to wonder - what does life mean?). This may be the closest way that I can try to describe it in words as some sacred texts mention that Love cannot be described in words, but we can move to a more correct perception of its Truth in a certain way. The way some texts say we can do this is by forgiveness. I think of this action as follows – If Oneness cannot be separated - then anything that is connected to something else is one with it unless there is only a level of partial connection. For example, the pieces of a puzzle can be connected to form one puzzle picture, but there is still a level of partial connection as the edges of the pieces are still apparent. But, in another example, when a drop of water is connected to another drop of water then there is a total connection to one larger drop of water. It is as if there is a Great Oneness/God/The Force or what ever you want to call it.

It is always One in Truth/Reality, but there appears to be a condition where the Oneness can generate a thought or idea of something separate from it. This thought/idea seems powerful enough to create an experience of apartness or separateness. With this experience, there seems to come another experience of begining to compare/judge the separate things imagined as having different characteristics and being better than, worse than, bigger than, smaller than, etc – the other things it is being compared to. The One moves from a knowing of All in Oneness to a “perception” or “point of view” from where a thought perceives itself to exist in separateness. Perhaps the forgiveness that sacred texts talk about is actually a reversal of this experience of seeing things as better than, worse than, bigger than, smaller than, etc. to a larger (maybe even) more correct perception of Oneness i.e. Truth? Perhaps by Loving everything equally not noticing the seeming differences and not seeing a need to blame (or even forgive) a new more correct perception of Truth emerges and we begin to move closer to knowing the Truth?

In Search of the One


Love is everything. So awesome. Thank you. I'm Doctor Oatmeal, the One & Only Joey Arnold from Oregon.

Thank You joeyarnoldvn. Lately, when I have been meditating on Love the word "Flow" comes to me. Love & Light 💗 Dev

Great effort put up here!
Keep sharing.

Thanks qagiri. I keep thinking about how connected we all are, even though the eyes this body perceive a seeming separation. Love & Light 💞 Dev