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RE: April 10th, 2013

in #love6 years ago

Hello dandays, how are you? I am very touched to read your writing about your "mother". Mother is people who want to give up her lives for her kids.The greatest love in the world is the love of a mother. Was that beautiful baby in your mother's arms you, friend? I am fortunate still have a mother until now. I hope taking care of her until the end of her life. Greetings to you, friend.


Was that beautiful baby in your mother's arms you, friend?

“Guilty!” Yes, she’s the infant in the cover image and I’m the infant in the signature. Did you notice how I didn’t put up anything at the end like a typically do with the “thank you” and the gifs, etc? This one was just a letter, I chose not to use it as a promotional tool.

Thank you for reading this one elianaelisma, it was all impromptu without any planning. It was just a raw emotion I was feeling at the time and this is my only platform so I figured “why not?” I’m glad you appreciated it—thank you! God bless you, your mother, everyone you know and everyone you don’t know. <— that should cover it. 😉

Thanks for stopping by @elianaelisma.