Single moms reddit

in #love3 years ago


If you're a single mom, don't forget to take care of yourself. If you're looking for advice on what to do with your kids or just need some support and companionship, there are lots of other moms out there like you, especially on the online dating sites for single moms. We've compiled this list of subreddits where you can find people just like you who can offer advice, support, and friendship:

Dear Single Moms: You're Not Failing

You are not failing.

You are doing a great job.

You are not a bad mom. You are not a bad person. You're doing the best you can, and that is all that matters at the end of the day. Your children's lives will be better because of your efforts, even if they don't know it yet or appreciate it now—they will grow up knowing that their mother took care of them in one way or another when they needed her most, no matter what happened out in society at large.

Online Dating for Single Mamas: Tips for Making it Work

When looking for a match, it’s important to use a dating site that is designed specifically for single parents. There are three major types of websites where you can find your next significant other. They are:

  • Sites designed for single dads
  • Sites designed for single moms
  • Sites that cater to both parents or those who have children (this includes sites like and eHarmony).


This is a great way to not feel so alone, and it's also a good reminder for yourself. Your kid isn't failing, either.

If your child is struggling, that doesn't mean they're failing. In fact, study after study has shown that kids' resiliency is one of the most important factors in their success later on--and this is true even when they're not succeeding at all! Kids are resilient, even when they are struggling or failing or not doing well at something. The key is being able to see this resilience in your child before it shows up in their grades or performance on the field or elsewhere


You are not alone. You are a good mom, and you are doing all that you can to raise your kids right. Your children will be fine. They will make mistakes and they will learn from them, but they'll grow up to be responsible adults who can take care of themselves and their families.


To the single mom out there, you are doing a great job! You are a great mom and person.

You are doing a great job of being a single mom.

Show Some Interest in Him Before He Shows Interest in You

  • Don’t be afraid to take initiative. While it may seem like the man should always be the one to make the first move, this isn’t always true. If you really want a relationship with your guy, then don’t wait around for him to text first or ask you out. Show some interest in him before he shows any in you and make things happen!
  • Don’t worry about being too forward with your intentions. Some women are hesitant when it comes time for them to show their interest because they fear coming off too strong and scaring away their potential partner. But if this is something that is important enough for you and doesn’t feel right otherwise (e.g., texting or calling), then go ahead and do what feels natural!

Go On A Lot of Dates!!

Talk to a lot of men. You can't be picky if you want to meet someone, so it's best to go on as many dates with as many different men as possible. If you're busy, set up an online dating profile and start swiping right. The more profiles you see at once, the better your chances will be of finding someone that catches your eye. It may take some time before anything serious happens, but don't get discouraged! The key is persistence and patience; eventually, everything will work out for the best.

Remember That Everyone Has Baggage -- Even Dads!

You're a single mom, and in many ways that's a heavy burden to bear. But you're also strong, independent and confident -- don't forget that! You've survived a lot of hard stuff in your life and come out on top. That said, there are still some things you might be afraid of when it comes to dating again: What if he turns out like your ex? What if he doesn't want kids? What if he wants kids but they aren't yours? These may seem like daunting questions but they're important ones that need answers before any relationship can go anywhere.

Your new partner is going through his own struggles too; maybe he was married and now finds himself single with two kids under 10 years old (or one kid under 10 years old). Or perhaps his ex-wife moved across the country with their daughter after she filed for divorce, leaving him behind with custody of all three children throughout most holidays until she returned home for summer vacation or winter break from college. Regardless of what caused them each individually, both parties are likely dealing with some sort of baggage from the past lives they left behind when becoming parents together -- and maybe even from previous relationships before becoming parents together!

If either one of those scenarios sounds familiar then chances are good that when you start dating again there will be issues related to baggage between yourself/your child(ren)


Remember that your child is not a failure and neither are you. Take care of yourself, work hard and love the life you’ve created!