Why does love die?

in #love3 years ago

Why does love die?

Love is a spiritual feeling that earns the soul all feelings of joy and happiness. It gives the heart all the feelings of sincerity, loyalty and love for everyone. Love is the reunion of the heart and soul. With us, love is the soul’s loyalty to itself. In this article, we reveal the reasons for the death of love.

The first reason

heart death:

When the heart dies, everything inside the human body dies. The person is dead-hearted. He has no feeling for others. The death of the heart causes stagnation and ingratitude in the feelings of others. When a person dies
He has a heart and has no feelings.

The second reason

Ethics is the main engine of the soul and body. Lack of morals makes all your days bad in life. As a result of the absence of morals, people make people worse than animals. Rather, he does not have a virtue, and virtue is the noblest of morals, honesty and sincerity.

third reason

Lack of self-compassion:
He makes the self in a state of arrogance over others. He does not see his faults, but he sees the faults of others. A person must reconcile with himself

Fourth reason

It is the disease that dies the heart and love. The death of the soul and the body is the result of self-hatred and the search for what causes the cause of all bad feelings in a person.

Fifth reason

Lack of understanding of the other party:
Every person has feelings, feelings, and needs. People's feelings differ as a result of different feelings. In order for love to come close to your heart, you have to understand others and their feelings and absorb everything inside the other party.

Sixth reason


Lack of self-confidence and others is the result of not knowing the human psyche and understanding the aspects of the personality of others. In order for others to trust you, you must trust yourself.


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