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in #love7 years ago (edited)

This One’s for You

I was thinking about telling you something but was not sure where to begin and where to end. The moment I thought this, an idea flashed into my mind and believe me, it was Microsoft word. This might seem little stupid but, being a software engineer for almost 3 years, I can’t stop myself from thanking Microsoft for making lives much easier.

24 years, I had no idea what this day’s is all about, today I understand, destined people are meant to be together. I recollect today all those things that happened in our journey. Connecting all those dots together from the day you’ve met, life started making sense altogether.

FACEBOOK connected us, LINE made us talk; WHATSAPP had been by our side through our tough times, HIKE revoked our feelings for each other and finally Google’s hangout video call made us forget every other thing. Distance never separates people, I had never thought , that a guy like me would ever fall in love with a girl whom I have never seen in physical reality but only in virtual world. But this is awesome and “Ab tho duniya drama lagthi hain, sapney sacchey lagthey hain”.The dream that you and me are going to be together is worth conceiving every day ☺

Every time a message pops up into my mobile from you, its brings smiles, suddenly everything seems to be pleasant. Bollywood songs which used to be old and boring previously now seem soothing, in fact all I watch on TV now a days are Bollywood songs. Life seems to be perfect and exciting. The way you call me, the way you talk to me, the way you smile, the way you scold me, the way you behave, are perfect to me. I believe now that people in the world are not here to compete with each other, but to complete each other, and I think I found my Soul mate.

I don’t know what is going through your mind , reading this stuff, I just want to say those three magical words the next time I meet you in physical reality ☺ Come back soon siri my iPhone buddy :p

Hope this day will soon arrive