I want a love of the old, of those that will never go out of style.

in #love6 years ago

Perhaps the worst thing that can happen when starting a new relationship is that the love they had at the beginning disappears slowly and that both look at other people as the "best" option instead of appreciating more and more the person next to them. That's why I remind you that no matter how enamored we are if our partner does not look at us as if it were the first time, it is not worth continuing with a relationship. This is a letter that I invite you to read.

"It is very common for long relationships tend to be carried away by monotony, and talk about the feelings ... in this case, the little things that are left to do, that are forgotten, that are taken for granted, that we believe that they mean At first, everything is perfect, surprising and magical ... full of details, hidden gifts, messages, plans to make, new experiences, stolen kisses, "I love you" unexpected, never inopportune calls and all those things that make butterflies flutter like crazy in the stomach.

But as time passes, as the day to day is doing theirs, the messages stop being so frequent, the calls, no longer so abundant or long, the kisses become automatic, the plans are no longer of the corresponding liking, the surprises and gifts, the just ones and by demands of the script and the "I love you" ... they disappear completely.

And I think one of the main reasons is that one of the two parties thinks that they already have their partner safe, that they no longer have to be charming if they already have it there every day. They settle in their comfort zone and do nothing about it; they forget that maintaining a relationship involves a series of attitudes every day. They forget about spontaneity, communication, creativity, will and innovation, and so little by little they begin to fall into monotony.

Yes, monotony ... A word that many people say silently repeat, but the biggest problem is not that they repeat it or feel it, the serious thing is that they live it and silence it; which allows this problem to become a true vicious circle.

It is so sad to see how little by little the feelings change, the magic disappears and sometimes, the love dies; and in the end the only thing that holds them together as a couple, is attachment, damaging and destroying the relationship over time.

Stress, fatigue, apathy, the ups and downs of living, the high expectations that we put on the other person, the failed dreams of common plans, not being totally satisfied with the relationship, are causes that influence each day What happens, we lose more interest for the other person. And let's not deceive ourselves, this is a game of two, if one does not do it, the other will do less, because of distress or for any other reason, and the end becomes ... a resounding failure!

And you get to the point where many wonder "Is it really love, or is it what I feel like? Why am I no longer happy with my partner? Why do not their kisses and caresses bristle my skin? "And we no longer know when we go from happiness, from love to a simple habit of sharing moments.

This is where the chewing gum loses its flavor and the monotony becomes a prison. A prison in which many prefer to continue living because it seems easier, even if it kills the soul and the joy of living every day for not facing new challenges and decide to rediscover that love they are losing.

Like you, we all deserve a person who values ​​us not only when a relationship begins, but always, at all times; that we fall in love and continue choosing us every day. We can all fall into the routine, in fact, is a stage that every couple must go through, but if what we really feel is love, why not remember when you started the relationship and chose to fight for it, that is the great secret to keep alive love, remember the reasons every morning why you chose to be with her, remember everything that made you feel, think about the attractive, funny, disturbing and any qualifying adjective that seemed to you at the beginning and, above all, communicate the way in which one feels within the relationship, the points that you think could be improved, what you do not like about the other without attacking or prosecuting, simply with the desire to improve them as a couple. The technique includes surprising our partner, having fun together, daring to try new things in the relationship and possibly also on the sexual plane.

You have to keep your heart and mind open. Remember that all people are changeable, surprise, and are constituted by twists and turns, clarities and contradictions, confusion and lucidity. Anyway, do not spare the manifestations of affection and always take care of the little details, because it is when they disappear, that the monony is installed in the relationship, and when that happens, many times, it is installed to never leave again. Without forgetting that it is one of the main reasons that induce infidelity.

Here there are no magic answers, just a very basic question: Do you still love your partner? Yes! Well then use your feeling to strengthen the union with her, reconquer her, relive the passion and love they felt one day and do not forget to look at her every morning ... As if it were the first time ".