With Adelia's Piano

in #love6 years ago (edited)


It's a cold morning. The beginning of the new year was greeted with rain and clouds of thick cumulus nimbus that hugged the sky strongly. Breezy gusts add temperature to the more pressing and piercing bones. Dry leaves rub against each other, making a distinctive sound that feels creepy. Adrian hugs himself. He did not expect the weather to be as bad as this, and he did not wear a jacket or something that could warm his body. Only a red brick shirt and blue jeans that look a little shabby wrapped in his body. Several sheets of documents in the folder that he prepared. He stared at the sturdy building, which now looked spooky because of the dark weather, with a slight hesitant look.

"This school looks scary," Adrian muttered. However, inevitably he still stepped into the building.
Adrian's special music school was finally clear. Aura was cold and the atmosphere was lonely, silent and increasingly bursting. Success makes Adrian's hair bristling bristling.
"Is it true that I will be sent to school here? That's right! "Adrian stomped his feet. Feeling upset with his mother's choice.

Adrian walked down the school hall. The atmosphere was really tense, because it was still early so the corridor lights were not turned on. Only the sound of Adrian's footsteps echoed along the corridor. Sometimes he thinks this is not a music school but a mystical school! After walking around, Adrian finally arrived at his destination, the teacher's room. Like finding water in the middle of a desert, Adrian wants to bow down in gratitude. He stepped half-tired into the teacher's room. The teachers who were in the room immediately took care of Adrian's administration. While Adrian just sat down and occasionally answered questions that came from the young teacher who took care of the data. Lily Kusdiati, the name is clearly written on the name tag of the teacher in front of Adrian. Its tall stature with smooth yellow skin and smooth without zits. Physical dreams of men.

"Adrian Praditya Agung, huh? Why do you want to go to school here? "Mrs. Lily asked, but her eyes were straight at Adrian's personal data.
"I was only told by my mother, Mom." Adrian replied nervously. "Hmmm, that is. Okay, you can go to school tomorrow. "Your mother has arranged the clothes so there's no need to worry," said Mrs. Lily kindly. "Thank you, ma'am." Adrian quickly walked away leaving the teacher's room.
Outside he saw an increasingly bright sky. The gripping darkness had begun to fade slowly. Adrian walked slowly away from the teacher's room. Corridors that used to look creepy are now starting to be friendly.

It was almost half an hour Adrian just walked and walked without finding the exit gate. He then stopped in the middle of the corridor of the room that was somehow named. He was tired because he kept going without finding the end. In this way he was sure that he was lost.
"Geez, I should ask the teacher! Stupid me! "Adrian felt furious with himself. He hit the wall and stomped his legs several times.

Adrian soon heard Beethoven's Fur Elise classical music. Chirp Piano keys sound soft but also powerful. Very soft and also feeling. The impression of a mysterious and hidden song is still felt in the chanting of the tune. Adrian looked for the source of the sound which turned out to come from the corridor's room. Adrian intends to see who the great pianist hiding in the room. He ventured to open the door slowly. And the scene in front of him succeeded in making his eyes flicker perfectly. There was only an ancient piano full of dust that was open, there were scores of pieces that seemed to be turned around by someone, a window closed with a visible curtain using a weathered chair by the window. However, there was no one there. Empty and empty. However, Beethoven's mysterious music is still heard.
Piano keys that play by themselves.

What are you doing here? Today is still a holiday? "Adrian asked the woman to stop and turn around.
"I just returned Chopin's music score. I put it there, "the woman pointed at the book on the chair by the window.

"You're lost, aren't you?" Asked the woman.
"Um, yeah."
"Okay, I'll take you out." Said the woman. Adrian's face glowed. "thank you! Um, your name? "
"Just call me Adelia." Said the woman-Adelia- who made Adrian's eyebrows go up one, "why only Adelia? You must have a long name, right? "
"What will I tell you? Will not. You're just a stranger who gets lost in school. Bhewww! "Adelia stuck her tongue out, mocking Adrian.
"Tch! Basic."

"What's your name, foreign boy yourself?" There was an insulting tone to Adelia's words.
"Adrian." Adrian ignored.
"Ck! Alright. Let's get out of here "Adelia pulled Adrian's hand and came out of the stuffy room.

Adrian's first day of school in his new school. Awkwardness certainly still feels strong in the atmosphere. Plus he did not really understand about the class location and special extracurricular club room, this would certainly make it difficult. Occasionally he asked students who passed. And a thought appeared in his head, where was Adelia?

"Ouchhhh!" "I'm sorry!" Adrian said, afraid that if he was hit by a classmate or teacher.
"Whooaa turns out you are a foreign boy!"
"Why is this sound so annoying?" Adrian muttered. Unconsciously four elbows hung on his forehead.
"Why are you able to be here?" Adrian asked in surprise.
"I went to school here, foreign boy. Indeed, you can't see my uniform? "Adelia replied.
"Oh yes! Yesterday you too- "
"Gosh! First lesson with Pak Ansyah! It can be bad if it's too late! "Adelia seemed rushed to her classroom, X5. While Adrian is class X3. Adrian stepped quickly to his classroom.

The beginning of the lesson passed by Adrian smoothly. The introduction program did not last long. Even some women ask for their cellphone numbers. Adrian sat on the back of the carcass near the outside window along with a crossbreed man named Mike. Mike himself is typical of people who are easy to get along with. For example, he offered Adrian to sit next to him. Mike also told Adrian about some things about this school. The man with the crossbreed looks began to tell stories ranging from trivial things to myths circulating about old buildings.

Adrian looked at the old building opposite the building he was walking on. There is a music room that Adrian accidentally entered and also Adelia. Suddenly he remembered that Adelia was not coming with him but she was already there before Adrian entered.
'Something is strange' Adrian muttered.

At first glance he saw right in the window of the closed music room. Not a long time slowly the curtains opened slightly and showed a familiar figure in Adrian's eyes.
"Adelia." Adrian accidentally named the annoying woman. "I think there's something strange with that woman."

Dance classical music? "Eyebrows Adrian up one after hearing the news that he heard of a friend sebangkunya, Mike. Already a few weeks Adrian school, and he already familiar with the atmosphere a new one." Yes. Usually school mengadakannya the beginning of year like this. How do want to participate? "Fresh Mike while elbowing arm Adrian." Sounds exclamation. Probably i'm going to come. "" But you must be invited a single women to dance with you. "Said Mike patting shoulder Adrian." Gasp? Where I can find a woman to dance with me? "Adrian appear surprised by the terms of him." Hmm it does concern of yours, clear your name is already I wrote in guest list. See you! "Mike swing away suddenly." Basis of the Mike it !! "Adrian feel furious. 'Maybe I will take him' think Adrian. Weather this afternoon quite a blistering However wind breezy still seem caressed the skin. Adrian choose to go to building a long time, who knows he will meet with a he search and ask him to dance together. Adrian opened the door room music it, and sure enough adelia sitting in a chair window still closed it." What? "Asked adelia regardless of the other person." About dance the day after tomorrow later. I hope you can be with me. "Adrian running closer to the direction adelia." You sure? "Asked adelia that makes expression confused on the face of Adrian." What do you mean? "" All right OK i'm going to dress up best for you, boy foreign! "Adelia pointing face Adrian. Adrian just smiled to the direction adelia as greeting thank you." Want to play the piano with? "Fresh Adrian while approaching harpsichord it." Piano it has been a long time unused. Definitely discordant voice "responsible adelia. Adrian still persist open harpsichord and Press the one tutsnya. Little voice discordant reverb in the room music that." Severe also sumbangnya. But, never mind "Adrian sitting on the bench and start playing the piano. Chant that terdengan hard and a little discordant break the silence in the space of it. Fingers Adrian cool dancing on the keys. Melatunkan a tone sound fast, sure, and impressed closed. As a music that cover the feeling of fact, as if there is a problem dipendamnya. Abstract, uneven and full of doubt. Difficult to defined." Etude op.10 # 4, from Chopin. Great also you can play music quickly that. "Adelia sitting beside Adrian and began to play a row of keys the. Another song sounds. Fingers adelia played a song that fast, steady, and impressed mysterious. There is part slow but suddenly quickly. Adrian participate pressing the keys and play with little overwhelmed, having to menyeimbangi speed adelia." You too quickly. Tempo off. You are not followed partiturnya? "Adrian stop action adelia." It looks like you have never play a lot of the song Mozart. For example Symphony # 4 "adelia pointing face Adrian with a sense of triumph." It is the heck, song Mozart most of the song quickly and sometimes I difficulty play it. "Adrian scratching the back of his head that is not itch." Want to try again? "" What song? "" Fur Elise, can be? "Challenge adelia." Can! "Adrian start pressing the keys the beginning. Twang like that day started sound again. Song not too fast but aura mysterious of this song still feels. Second hand adelia come play. Two pairs of hand with good at play a tone." Fun to play the piano with you. "Smile node that terpati in the face of Adrian." Thank you "adelia reply to smile Adrian and return to focus on a row of keys in front of him." I hope the time to stop spinning 'murmured adelia. Night full of sparkling typical children. Frenetic togetherness and romance is so thick was in the atmosphere. Adrian ready with White shirt plain wrapped in a suit black and Red tie White line deliberately he loosen. Adrian noticed arloginya several times. Party started in a moment and partner has not reveal her. "Aduhh adelia long hell!" Again Adrian check arloginya. And someone patting his shoulders soft from behind. "Sorry long wait." Adelia busy set up his breath the rumble. "You anywhere?" Adrian noticed adelia. Red dress lit like fire burning and hair bun add levels beauty adelia. "You think get clothes this easy?" Face adelia be sullen. "Get? You stole it?" "It is not! Stupid! I borrow it!" "Yes have come to the Hall. Party want to start!" Adrian interesting arm adelia closely as if will not let it go. Chant classical music spring time of yiruma sounded soft echoed in the Hall of the school. Adrian dancing with adelia like a couple matching. Several times adelia have to balance the movement by Adrian. "I think will be playing music Chopin or Mozart" upset Adrian. "You can try own in your House, Adrian." Said adelia. "You finally call my name, adelia." Smile sincere terpati in the face of Adrian. Make blood adelia rustle and rise to the face of resulting in a bit color Red there.

A-A-Adrian. "Adelia suddenly looked nervous.
"Ha? Why? "Adrian asked. He was confused, the sign of Adelia changed.
"I'm sorry," Adelia replied as she went out of the Hall. Adrian is really confused now. He only paid attention to Adelia's departure that just passed.

"Hoi! Adrian! "Mike came and pat Adrian's shoulder.
"Mike? Why are you here? You don't dance with your partner? "Adrian asked, surprised by Mike's sudden arrival.
"Instead I want to tell you don't break into the Hall. I know you really want to dance. But, if you don't have a partner you can't enter. "Explained Mike.
"What do you mean, Mike?" Adrian's eyes suddenly turned and his heart beat faster than usual.
"That should be my question, Adrian. You dance alone while the music is on! "Mike's hands gripped Adrian's shoulder.
"Lie!" Adrian shouted, making him the center of people's attention. "You must be lying right, Mike? Don't you see? Me and him here! The two of us danced! "Adrian's tone rose. He doesn't believe this.
"Adrian, you need to take a break now." Mike wanted to lead Adrian to the back room, a place to rest. But his hand was brushed aside by Adrian.
"I'll go alone," Adrian said as he ran out of the hall. The goal is now only one, the music room is in the old building.

Under the moonlight Adrian walked to the old building. Even though it's dark and creepy he doesn't care. He just wants to see for himself the true truth. He walked in a hurry to the music room that was already unused. Sometimes Adrian stumbles over his own rocks or even his legs. Arriving in front of the music room Adrian paused. He is just afraid, afraid that only things he does not want will happen. After gathering courage, finally Adrian opened the door slowly until it was completely open.
But the room was empty. There is no one inside. He only saw a letter on the ancient piano. Adrian stepped in, took the letter and read it.

Adrian, sorry if this is not a parting that you want. I wrote this the night you invited me to the dance and I put this letter right before meeting you in the Hall. I don't know how I explain it. You read this letter maybe because of someone else's warning in the Hall, right? Haha sorry then. What do you say by them? Crazy? Not sane? Or haven't taken medicine? Ha ha ha.

I don't know what to say to you but what they say is true. You dance alone. I'm not there, for people who don't see me. But you don't. You see me, holding my hand as if I'm afraid of losing me, you who were so shocked when I saw me suddenly appeared, and you are the one who is crying for me now. Sorry, I can only say that playing Fur Elise is me.

Actually I am not a reliable pianist, I only really like music and I have included various events. Some parties keep praising me because I'm a genius, so I'm burdened. I have to be number one and when I don't win a race, then I will be insulted even some terrorize, force me to practice again and become champion. That cycle continued to happen until I gave up and returned to God about two months ago, in this room. There is rarely a pass in the old building. So, when you enter this room I'm really surprised and happy. Thank you for everything we do together. I hope you can practice more Mozart songs, you look poor with fast-paced songs. Lastly, what I want to say is


Adelia Lenatha

Adrian's tears were spilled. All questions in his head have been answered. If he knows that this will be the answer, he is better off not knowing the answer for life

"Even you don't know my full name, Adelia!" Adrian grabbed the letter.
A woman standing behind Adrian without her knowledge. Wearing bright red dres with neat hair.
"See you later, Adrian Praditya Agung." The figure disappeared slowly along with the tears falling on her cheeks.

"I love you, Adelia"
"I love you, Adrian"


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