My theory on playing lotto , here in australia
My theory on playing lotto.
i will use the analogy of a fishing net. imagine a stream that has 8 fish ea. day that swim down and if you cast a net you can catch some.
If you have large holes in the net, some fish will get thru and you won't catch all 8 fish.
say 8 fish come down and you catch 5. you cannot get a 6 fish feast only catching 5 fish.
my net is designed to always catch 8 fish.
this is why covering every number on only 8 tickets is what we are doing. its the cheapest way to do that.
to go back to the net theme, imagine it is 6 holes wide. and 8 deep. we have the feast when we get 6 of those fish all on 1 row.
to post an example i will use Saturday lotto numbers and an 8 game entry, it will have all 45 numbers covered at least once.
7 14 15 27 28 43
2 6 16 18 31 40
4 9 19 30 33 34
5 20 24 29 36 42
1 11 22 23 41 45
10 21 26 37 38 39
8 12 13 17 25 35
3 11 22 32 34 44
Now, 8 numbers are drawn 6 regular numbers and 2 suplimentaries. this selection will catch all 8 numbers every draw.
Good luck
here is a winning ticket, its another set of numbers but the same theory, all 45 numbers covered its hard to see but 3+bonus number was on the last line winning $14. as you see there are 8 drawn numbers and this time 4 appeared on 1 line making it a winner. the trick is getting 6 numbers on 1 line. something i am yet to do