LookRevNFT Launch: 1,000,000 LooksCoin Airdrop

in #lookscoin4 years ago (edited)


Hold tokenized ownership of product lines

Receive ongoing profit distribution

Get credits for contribution


The LookRev team is happy to announce the launch of LookRevNFT integration and its native token LooksCoin, making LookRev one of the first decentralized marketplace to support NFT tokenized ownership of creative product lines.
To celebrate, LookRev is giving away 1,000,000 of LooksCoin to Airdrop to the crypto community.
“LookRev is a P2P design-to-sell marketplace where you can hold tokenized ownership of creative product lines, share ongoing profits and contribute to earn credits. LooksCoin is a functional utility token that can be used to purchase products and redeem credits for contributing to the LookRev platform.”

First come first served at lookscoin.com/airdrop .

  1. Visit the LooksCoin Airdrop page this page.
  2. Follow LooksCoin on Twitter .
  3. Join LooksCoin on Telegram channel .
  4. Join LooksCoin in Discord community .
  5. Follow LooksCoin like this article on Medium .
  6. Submit your ERC20 or BEP20 wallet address at this link to receive your token reward.

Level 1: 10,000 Coins
5 likes & 5 TW / Discord/ Telegram reposts
1 blog post of LooksCoin at legit crypto/blockchain websites/blogs, or 1 recommendation of LooksCoin to legit exchanges.

Level 2: 1,000 Coins
∙ 3 likes & 3 Twitter / Discord / Telegram / Reddit reposts.

Level 3: 300 Coins
∙ 1 like & 1 Twitter / Discord / Telegram / Reddit repost.


∙ Eligible Twitter account must has +20 followers, is more than 30 days.

∙ A screenshot of your blog post will be required to claim the level 1 prize.

∙ Entries will be verified before token transfer.

My motto is making an income online.
I’ll be sharing more ideas for online earnings soon. Stay tuned.

Airdrop Medium Article
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