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RE: Sublime Sunday ~ Having A #LookAround

in #lookaround6 years ago

I hear he is pretty smart and a cat fan to boot! 😉 It is amazing how much you can catch when you #lookaround from one spot or relatively close to one spot. What a bonus when those geese flew over though! I think 9 or ten in colony here but wish I could've caught more of the males. The weather here just did not help but I'm also going to re-apply for the TNR. They totally understood about the weather but they only loan traps on a monthly basis. Neighbor is going to sign up and some neighbors up the street do a colony up there but they pay for it themselves. Love the new tag!! ❤


Forgot to mention the outstanding geese photo.

I see "havahart" traps going for $60 on Amazon. It will pay for itself in peace of mind. :-)