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RE: Logic Discussions: Statheism - The New World Religion

in #logic9 years ago

"Regarding healthcare, you are assuming a government controlled system is best positioned to deliver to everyone's needs without incurring huge costs that everyone must pay for. "

I have lived and worked in Ireland, England and the US. Ireland and England have national healthcare, and the US has private healthcare. I can assure you that American healthcare has sent me boiling mad far more often than govt. healthcare. Because its based on profit, not looking after the sick. In Ireland and the UK, you dont spend your first half-hour talking to the financial people. Its a long conversation, but I have experienced the US private system myself, and seen others experiences with it, and the US system is a financial freakout. Its a complete and total mess that freaks people out at a time when they are most vulnerable. Basically, the people who enrich themselves off your health crisis take full advantage to scare/blackmail you into paying whatever they want you to pay/what they know you can pay.
In Ireland and the UK, you walk in, you get treated, and you walk out. In the UK, they do have a cashier's office - if you need a taxi, they will pay you some $ for one.

Yes, the voter pays. But without the sweat, scares, fear, anger, and all the rest of the emotional crap poured on by the private corporations to scare you into paying up. And their collection agencies. And their external providers, each of who comes in to say hello and tack on another $100 fee for doing absolutely nothing. And so on.

If you think the private system is great - live in a foreign country with govt. healthcare and see the difference. Not Somalia - one in Europe. If you go to the UK even as a tourist, they will patch you up for free. Gratis. No questions asked. Just go in, see a doctor, and leave. You might or might not be asked for a small co-pay.