Lockdowns DO work- but not at successfully stopping any virus. Financial collapse is inevitable.

in #lockdown3 years ago (edited)

Lockdowns DO work- but not successfully stopping any virus. That was never what this was about. But they ARE successful for destroying economies.

The virus is STATISTICALLY as deadly as a bad flu- in fact that’s why the UK gov websites downgraded its threat last year in March 2020.

Let's not respond to something that is statistically rendering data to show how the ‘ fear based drivel on loop' is merely crying wolf.

Research the FACTS, and you will find the data; all on credible government websites.

This isn't about “conspiracy theories” or becoming a “covid denier”- no matter how loud the paid for shills of the world cry.

So why have the governments globally responded like dictators to a virus that now has many treatments available? After all, the flu and many others have been circulating for decades; never have we had to shut down the economy based off a survival rate of 99%?

Why the censorship and the inability to question “the science?”

It reads more like propaganda than truth.

Science is not and never has been “settled”.

If we were never allowed to question the science, we would still think it was ok to smoke during pregnancy, use DDT in pesticides, drink cough syrup with heroine, or soda with cocaine?

Why are the governments of the world all looking away as they destroy the economy and tell us what to think, believe and do? One can’t help but think there’s a bit more going on behind the scenes.

What if I told you that everything was manufactured, even the bat tale they told us from China.... everything has been used to distract and confuse, obfuscate from the real intention— total economic collapse.

My simple answer: Follow the money.

Since the first lockdown, the money supply has gone up 20-25%- under the guise of “Covid relief”. And rather than call it what it really is- a global banking crisis, they shove the narrative of mutant variants and death tolls, propped up with paid for science and manipulated data.

The media picks their favourite fear mongering tactic day after day to keep you compliant.

The term “quantitative easing”, or “QE" started in 2008 following the banking crisis which you will remember was mainly bad collateral in the repo (repurchase agreement) market with sub prime mortgages and mortgage back securities. The repo market signalled the problem within the financial institutions and this was the realisation that most of the collateral was bad. No one wanted to signal the trouble. Everyone played the game. Once the avalanche started, no one accepted mortgage backed securities. Nor accepted the liability. And as we all know, the market crashed and a few institutions died along the way.

The economy has been on life support ever since.

The printing called Quantitative Easing is just another play on words to disguise what’s happening- printing money in an economy that has no sustainable productivity.

This is fraud. Inflationary and destructive.

One need only check a history book to know that this printing only ends with a COLLAPSE of the currency- as well as the economies it is attached to.

We left the Gold standard in 1971, thereby debasing our currency as FIAT. It’s not real money because it’s not backed by anything. Only 3% of this fiat is notes and coins- the other 97% is debt based.

DEBT keeps the world propped up on this central banking ponzi scheme. It what makes money from nothing. One need only refer to a economics course on fractional reserve banking and the federal reserve to understand whats really going on here.

To refer again to 2008, we saw bail outs - where this scheme was fixed with a bandaid.

In 2014, however, the UK and others started to use what was called a “bail IN” which is another way of legally allowing financial institutions to take your money in a crisis.

The banks have FULL authority to take your money. Sure the government will claim to guarantee a certain number on those deposits.. but let's ask those in 2008 who lost everything how often THAT happens.

When you increase money supply, you’re inviting inflation in.

Why does inflation matter?

Inflation is a hidden tax- passed on to us, the public, to pay for it. Inflation is a quiet, but effective way for the government to transfer resources from the people to itself, without raising taxes.

As they inflate debt, they also inflate your purchasing power.

So it doesn’t matter how hard you work- it will never be enough to overcome the surging prices of goods.

If the economy is all debt, with out credit- the economy is doomed to fail. If credit isn’t available, supply chains get disrupted and products aren’t produced.

More money printed chasing the same number of items, or even fewer items, as the supply chain credit system can’t sustain, causes a surge of prices.

Covid was used to break the supply chain. The supply chain has broken. This has led to problems globally restocking shelves.

When we are fully operational again, the additional costs will be passed down to the consumer.

Has anyone seen the prices of houses, land, lumber, steel, copper, oil, etc or paid enough attention to silver? How about the food prices... notice these too keep going up?

This is the invisible inflation happening NOW.

The plan is to collapse the economy so there’s NO independent businesses, making everyone dependent on the state.

Furlough, as some have come to depend on, is psychological preparation for UBI, Universal Basic Income. It's not about the "good will" first presented.

The plan is to provide people a generous universal banking credit- so it appears appetising, and appeals to the battle fatigue that is the constant state of anxiety to still earn money when lives are shut down on purpose.

It keeps everyone in place.

You’re not being paid to stay at home and “stay safe.”

You’re being paid NOT TO REVOLT.

And then, just like “two weeks flattening the curve” or “vaccines will return us to freedom”—- the goal posts will change. They will slowly reduce it and inflate it away.

When you hear a politician say “Build back better”- Johnson, Biden Trudeau, etc—- this isn’t anything original. It’s a script; the play book. Direct from Davos and IMF.

This is the unelected band of billionaire's concept TOLD to politicians - "you will own nothing and be happy.” (Straight from the WEF website). The idea is to limit all personal property and ownership. The other option is taxes but the rich don’t pay taxes. The system is designed with loop holes so they benefit but is too costly for us.

A group of billionaires are deciding how the ENTIRE WORLD should live and they have the ears of government- those that CLAIM they represent us. Billionaires have INCREASED their wealth atleast 28% during the crisis, gained at the expense of small businesses.

They are also looking into the green energy and carbon tax movement, which if you look at it ( I mean REALLY look into it- not listen to sound bites from David Attenborough) ...is eugenics repackaged.

You are the carbon emission they want to eradicate.

Humans are becoming surplus to requirement. 80% of jobs will be wiped away by 2030. Middle and lower class will be replaced with robots.


The MEDIA doesn’t inform you- again, their purpose is to sell scare mongering- and the fear buys.

The economy is collapsing under debt fuelled with GREED.

The game is rigged for us to lose, fuelled by money printing and doomed to crash.

The old world is not coming back. It was planned this way.

If we submit to a digital currency we will lose control of privacy and security. This is why the pegging currency to metals is so essential. If we knew that dollars and pounds weren’t going to hold any purchasing power, why would we keep them?

Hold gold, silver , land and crypto to maintain a degree of autonomy during the upcoming changing system as well as your best defense to offset inflation. It's best to buy supplies to combat any needs while the system resets; better to be looking at them then looking for them. Toilet paper was the mere tip of the iceberg for whats coming.

Our fiat system is failing.

Many a fiat system have all failed before, due to debasement of currency. We have to know this so we can do what we can now to fight back on the erosion of our personal freedom and privacy.

You can either be a victim or be prepared. The choice is yours.
