V.A.R (Video Assistant Referee); FIFA'S New Way of Deciding who WINS the Game.

in #lobe8 years ago

Having watched the first round matches of the Russia 2017 confederations cup, I have mixed feelings about FIFA'S newly implemented soccer rule called the Video Assistant Referee (V.A.R). Come to think to think of it, we have three referees on the pitch (center referee and two assistant referee) plus a match commissioner. If these three or say four referees are not able to make the right decision about a goal or a fowl, then I think they shouldn't be on that pitch. Because what we re having now is almost every decision has to be taken by the three guys in the video room (V.A.R) and then communicated to the referee on the pitch. And in most cases they are talking back and forth and we have no idea offifa.jpg what they re saying. I think something is not right somewhere. Could it be that this is FIFA'S New Way of Deciding who Wins the Game? What are your thoughts on this?


I think we should give it a try. Maybe communication gets better and the process gets more transparent. But there were some ridiculous situations already. In the match Kamerun vs Germany the referee showed a yellow card to the wrong player. After talking to the video team... he showed a red card, still the wrong player. Finally he got the right one but the foul wasn't worth a red card. Quite embarrassing.
Oh and I don't think its their new way of deciding who wins. They only can decide now based on the video material that we all see anyway.

that's exactly what i'm talking about mkt. That game between Cameroon and Germany was such a huge embarrassment to the system. like you said, let's give it a try