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RE: Right Before The Dawn - Elevate Your Thinking And Mindset

in #lo7 years ago

Flagged for disagreement on rewards.

You write unoriginal tripe full of banalities and platitudes; you also come across as a complete fake. Buying votes for such a post and getting it on trending is not good for Steemit's image, or yours, for that matter. Maybe you should try to write something of substance before you spend money promoting it?


You're mistaken @church-of-piglet. I write to most people because I'm not sure if you know it but 98% of people do not have the same brilliant mind as you do. Your vocabulary is disrespectful because you do not know me. Moreover I do not disrespect people and I know almost the whole world and I have already seen with my eyes the poverty, the misery and unfortunately the lack of culture of many people.

If you believe that what I write is not helpful to your brilliant mind, please take care of your blog for people like you who do not understand that teaching people is writing in a simple way. Do not forget also respect because with my life experience or you have never had to fight for anything in life, or you are frustrated with the success of your neighbor or you are a rich person who has no respect for other people. I wish all the success of the world for you but do not spend your time giving flags subtracting people's money, this is not a dignified attitude. Try to invest your time in looking to know what you are not yet and I assure you that this will make you a better human being.

All the Best !!!

@church-of-piglet is absolutely correct. You need to quit buying all these upvotes, if your content is great, it will have successful with far more modest promotion. Your behaviour is damaging the community. Take this as a friendly warning, the next one will not be.

У каждого есть свое мнение. И его нужно уважать. А то, что статья кому-то не нравится, это ихние проблемы. Мне статья понравилась. Браво chbartist ( 72 )!!!

Oh, how I love your humble reply @chbartist.

1.) Christopher Bonella aka. @chbartist is not a fake. He is well known in his country, Brazil.

2.) He is a possible investor of Steem who is getting driven away by toxicity.

You don't want a higher Steem price? Please, go ahead with your pig-ways.

3.) Live and let live. If you don't like his content, tell him, downvote him but don't selfvote yourself to the top of the comments, just to spread some toxicity. You can tell him that he is using too many promotion-services, in your opinion. But don't attack his persona.

You want people to come flocking to Steem?

Less Toxicity! More love.

Says the guy making ridiculous income off this guy. @therealwolf, you're 100% full of shit these days. It's unfortunate to see you bow to the almighty Steem Dollar.

Hey man, I can understand your response. My comment wasn't regarding the promotion amount, which I find too extreme as well (!), but towards the attack against @chbartist. I've talked with Christopher personally and he's a really nice guy - that's why I felt compelled to write something.

He's still trying to find his way and he honestly only wants to do good by motivating and helping people with this posts.

If you think that's wrong, then so be it. Other than that, I'm holding an AMA tomorrow. Let me know if you have a question you'd like to have answered on air.

lets good.

your AMA was great by the way, thanks for the 2 solid hours of great info and also the delegation to @Helpie of 15,000 sp that goes a long way to support minnows

but don't selfvote yourself to the top of the comments

We didn't; we don't even have the voting power for that. Others did.

Less Toxicity! More love.

We don't like you much either; get your love elsewhere. We fully understand your support for Chbartist, though; there are many similarities.

Anyway, leaving overrewarded tripe on the Trending Page is not a good way to make people flock to Steemit; it just emphasises the already scammy image of Steemit in the Real Worldtm, and drives more existing and potential users away than it attracts.

Taking back the self-vote: steemplus is, due to steemit-nodes, a bit wonky today and didn't display the vote values.

Love ur reply to this

Agreed, this post is a joke and so are the rewards. Most of this guys posts are little more than gibberish. I wouldn't mind if the payout was less than 5 SBD but when I see 1000+ at the current price of Steem, that is just sick. What a drain of the rewards pool.

A total bot ban is well overdue.

I don't think they will. @blocktrades and @freedom the big delegators to the biggest bots love to collect lots of Steem. Of course, the effect they are having on the price of Steem far wipes out whatever profit they think they are making.

You are mostly but not entirely correct about the price.
There are still suckers that buy STEEM, which is still overpriced due to the BitFinEx USDT scam in the same way that other digital currencies are.

BTW, bernie is the owner of randowhale, which is one of the first bidbots and is currently active and rips off suckers by giving them tiny votes compared to what they could get for their 1 SBD or 1 STEEM worth from other bots.

My thoughts exacly too. I was puzzled at how hard this was tending. I read it wondering what all the fuss was about. On firsts read maybe the message was so so deep that it required a further study. I read it again, and no, I was still puzzled at it's seeming popularity. A long list of platitudes and disingenuous slop which quite honestly made me a little angry. And some of these fucking sanctimonious comments here are just as sickening. This is not FACEBOOK FFS!

church you got my upvote ! Hope the people work harder like me doing reviews in steemit XD

You're mistaken @church-of-piglet. I write to most people because I'm not sure if you know it but 98% of people do not have the same brilliant mind as you do. Your vocabulary is disrespectful because you do not know me. Moreover I do not disrespect people and I know almost the whole world and I have already seen with my eyes the poverty, the misery and unfortunately the lack of culture of many people.

If you believe that what I write is not helpful to your brilliant mind, please take care of your blog for people like you who do not understand that teaching people is writing in a simple way. Do not forget also respect because with my life experience or you have never had to fight for anything in life, or you are frustrated with the success of your neighbor or you are a rich person who has no respect for other people. I wish all the success of the world for you but do not spend your time giving flags subtracting people's money, this is not a dignified attitude. Try to invest your time in looking to know what you are not yet and I assure you that this will make you a better human being.

All the Best !!!

Rewards pool rapist blathers about poverty while taking money from Steem users in 3rd world. There is less in the pool for people who live on a dollar a day because you need your ego stroked.

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