10 Exciting Things I learned in 2017 For Life Happiness

in #live7 years ago

1."Always Less Hate and More Love".
We always think that love is mine so i love with our body because it is always with me.
When People dont know whats going on in your life they speculate..then they think they know..they fabricate..and when they do know......"They just hate.
leaves hating and start loving.
2."Always Worry Less and Dance More "
When you worry then you feel stress and stress can make a people weak(with mind and body).
so never worry and enjoy his life (Dance).
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3."Always Take Less and Give More".
"Taking more is a trait that has smiled on mankind from a survival perspective. Taking more food, water, weapons, blankets, etc. throughout history meant that you got to survive at a higher rate. Those "takers" then had babies together and so on. Today in the Western world we have an abundance of stuff but we are still wired to be takers. Being more generous is not natural, so we need to strive to overcome our natural ways".
by https://www.quora.com/profile/Todd-Haushalter
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4."Always Consume Less and Create More "
When you consume less money then you divide extra money in poor people and when you give money with a people then he always care for you and you always in his mind and always pray for you at last in the end of life.
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  1. "Always Frown Less and Smile More"
    This habit make a nature good with the people.when you always smile with others and spends all life with a good feelings then people love you care you like you...while frown is a bad habit people dont like these people.
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    6."Always Talk Less and Listen More"
    We always talk less in life these people( baby/boys) is very intelligent and they does not induledge in any unneccessary think thats like a bad habits while listen more because we listen with our Ear and when we listen any thing then our cells is always active.
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    7."Always Fear Less And Try More"
    When we fear less in life then we are happy and face the hurdles of life and try to understand that you work for try and its you first try then never use your hopes and work with the efforts.
    Efforts can make a change in man and become a perfect man.
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8."Always Judge Less And Accept More"
When any person want to friendship then never afraid and accept his friendship and trust on him because when you judge firstly then make a friend then you always single and no one make you friend because you are not trusted men/women.

9."Always Watch Less And Do More"
We work with our hands and hands can decide your future when you work hard then you success is always with you and if you watch daily and nothing do then you nothing experience and watching can't make your future.


10."Always Complain Less And Appreciate More"
People check how a person works and hard work to appreciate for it .when more appreciate then nothing ask you for complain.More appreciate and less complain can make a man successful..this is the first step to always happy in life.
These steps can change your life and you always Happy in life and never sad.Just you face these challenges.