What is Vid.me

in #live8 years ago

First of all i only write this text because i found nothing about this website on wikipediaq ore other online lexicons. My english isnt very good i think, Please write the mistakes in the comments. And there aren`t much informations about this website.

Vid.me has the same principle as YouTube, every people can upload all what he wants. Youtube made in the last few months some bad decisions (The videos of some Youtubers have been deleted, but there wasnt something prohibited. Ore some Yters dont get the same money as before 2 months). I think that the founder of Vid.me want that the Yter change to his website. But Youtube will change all very quickly when they see that users change to Vid.me. something different is that the founders of Vid.me are active and uploading Videos. Because the founders of YouTube hadn`t upload many Videos. And people said that Vid.me is only a cheap copy of Youtube, but when you look on the website it dont look very cheap ore unprofessional.
link to the Vid.me: https://vid.me/Vidme
instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/vidme/
the logo: vid.me.jpg
for more follow me on instagram:https://www.instagram.com/samuel_orlik/


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