Margarita Land of Mine

Margarita land of mine, full of beach, sun and sand
With that majestic xerophilic green
On your beaches anyone becomes a mermaid
And so enjoy your blue exotic paradise.
Beautiful island that adorns the Caribbean Sea
Awarded with her numerous pearly gems
Pearls born from those old reefs
And that match your breeze in love.
Glowing sun that warms its cold waters
With its traveling clouds creating different designs
In the company of its sisters, islands of Coche and Cubagua
Enjoy your sunrises and dream occasions.
Margariteño fisherman who works from the dawn
Stroking your coasts with the drag of their nets
With those moonbeams that make you feel loved
And so be able to reward with your abundance of fish.
Sailor waves that break sand sticks
With that melody that sprinkles, wets and flies
Snails that sound like this so the beach is serene
Well that's the landscape that is enjoyed in Venezuela.
De acuerdo a la Biblia, ¿Podríamos caer en algún error por juzgar por la apariencia de una persona?
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