
in #literature4 years ago

Oh, and then she giggled with such heartfelt glee and honest deep down joy, now realizing that those playful jesters of ever watchful gods, were but testing her on fear's hold of her ways and did she genuinely know of Love's true ever~present sway.

For Pandora did know of her own inner~strength and full and true whole power and would not allow herself to fall for these tricks of being afraid of this or that unknown and she, as well, knew that these games of ignorance are not ones that she would ever take part in.

For then she cracked open and looked wholly within and found that in all actuality that this such feared and hushed spoken of Box of such supposed tremendous doom and all manners of horrifying glower and terror, was really just filled with wispy pearly daisies, the most vibrant gentle four and five leaf clovers, and every manner of colour of vibrant flutterbys that would caressingly glide by her with their soft velvety wings, as tender brushing kisses upon our dear Pandora's opalescent and most radiant skin.

In Find A Loving New ~ The End ~

*winks, blinks, thinks, syncs ♃ ♄
