Litecoin social news alert — December 11th, 2017, 11:40

Chainfire XDA on Twitter
“Kharkovlanok Cross-border goes to 72h often, locally anywhere between instant and 24h here. As for Bitcoin BTC, that is dead functionality wise (temporarily?) - who would even bother sending funds with that? BCH and LTC provide virtually free and fast transactions.”
➞ Read full story (Source: Twitter )

Shira Rubinoff on Twitter
“The Blockchain : CapitalMarkets Use Cases Bitcoins Cybersecurity bitcoinfutures fintech payments InternetOfThings IoT technology BTC ETHEREUM ltc litecoin blockchainimpact CC: ipfconline1 antgrasso jblefevre60 evankirstel evanderburg imoyse”
➞ Read full story (Source: Twitter )

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