Litecoin social news alert — December 11th, 2017, 10:50

Litecoin still leading as it climbs the crypto table - NEWSBTC
This weekend has seen some pretty wild price swings, especially from big daddy Bitcoin which fell by 26% from Friday’s high of $18,300. As excitement and interest mounted leading up to the launch of CBOE’s futures contracts on Sunday BTC bounced from support at $13,000 yesterday morning to climb back up to around $16,500 where … Continue reading Litecoin still leading as it climbs the crypto table
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Track current value of cryptocurrency you own in a simple and practical way
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Litecoin’s Insane Capacity • r/litecoin
Litecoin has a maximum capacity of 56tx per second. Bitcoin is 7tps and Ethereum 15tps. Therefore Litecoin is capable of carrying All of the...
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