Make your own PWN phone (A phone hacking hacking tools) [Part1]

in #linux5 years ago (edited)

Hello people , in this post we are going to help you , to make a hacking device from your android phone . Until now I just could make it work with android , and cause the android is Linux based , I like it more.And also it is part one and it's about basics , we don't need root access! Also if I find a way for IOS which works like this , I will post it. After reading this post you are able to :

  • Install any terminal based tool on your phone (Metasploit,Hydra,nmap)
  • Cloning program from github and gitlab
  • Install programming languages on your phone and code with your phone
  • Do pentesting  , finding vulnerabilities and ...
  • Having a nice time with a terminal on your phone which has commands like arch linux
  • If your are young enough , you will enjoy feeling like Watch-Dogs game :)

OK , What you need for this interesting small (or big) project :

  1. An android phone with android higher than 4
  2. Internet connection
  3. Enough energy (if not , drink a energy soda or coffee it will make it OK )
  4. Some nice music for playing during the job (optional)

Let's get started!

First of all connect to internet and open google play store app, Search termux. 

If you don't know what is termux , I have a post here , you can read it. Also I will explain more about it in other posts.

If you are able to install and don't have any funny error :

Then install it (it is less than a megabyte as I remember)

If you can't install and have a f*c*ing funny error in play store:

Then go to apkpure website and search it in there and install the apk from there! (After the time my phone got virus with root access and everything was stopped working , I had to delete everything from my phone , even the OS , and install the firmware again. After doing that I couldn't download the app from play store and it was saying "your device is not compatible ". And I did the same thing! Downloaded from apkpure! 

Don't be afraid of viruses , I am not going to advertise antivirus apps here; but I have granted root access to this termux app from apkpure and nothing has happened and even watched the outgoing traffic. There is no trojan , rat , virus and these things. And remember this is the risk you should do for success. (At least I made my self to do some things by this way)

OK now you have downloaded it.

Stay connected to internet and open the app , it must install some basic packages to be able to run the app.

I don't remember exactly what was the message but it is some thing like 'loading' or 'pleas wait...' stuff.

After the message is gone , you are able to use it! But there is no useful thing there , you should download the stuff you need. In this post I just say some of packages which can be useful , and requires no root access at some points.

Important things any linux device need it : (the first part is the detail of command and the command you should enter is in the ' '.

  • Install git tool for cloning tools from github and gitlab -----> 'pkg install git'
  • Install wget for downloading any stuff from any place of internet ---> 'pkg install wget'
  • Install nano the text editor for programming and coding ---> 'pkg install nano'
  • Install python3 programming language ---> 'pkg install python'
  • Install python2 programming language  ---> 'pkg install python2'
  • Install ssh for making any ssh connection with your device ---> 'pkg install openssh' or 'pkg install open-ssh' I don't remember what exactly it was.
  • Install php programming language ---> 'pkg install php'

I thing the above commands are useful for anybody using termux , even people don't know hacking can use them for every day jobs.

And here some tools for scanning network and cracking :

  • the nmap for  scanning network and ip(s) --> 'pkg install nmap'
  • the metasploit (I thing it's command just works with android 8 and 9) --> 'pkg install metasploit' If you are as same as me and your android is 5 , 6, or anything which won't run the above command , you have to install it by the metasploit bash file which you can find in github.
  • the hydra password cracking tool --> 'pkg install hydara'

And this is friends , now you are able to do all of stuff that I told you at the first of post , have a nice time and remember that don't crack any bodies account or something , all of  responsibilities are on your own and this post is just for educational purpose and checking security of your own devices and accounts . 

If you people enjoyed this , you can give an upvote and tell me in the comments if there is something more .

Thank you again for reading and have a nice day.