In the bus on my way from worksteemCreated with Sketch.

in #lintroduce6 years ago (edited)


I am at the bus going home from work so I just decided to chip this in because am not happy at opening my steemit account and seeing just 2 post. I thought for a while on what I should write on and I decided to talk a little about Time management and myself.

Just three years ago I was in college ( actually a polytechnic) where I met some students who were in my department and other departments who had leading grades in their class. This student as interesting as it sometimes were then busiest and sometimes were termed "unfortunate". Some were orphans who had to fend for themselves while school others were had very busy schedule as they joggled one school activity to the other. They were very busy from whatever angle you look at it but still led the class. Obviously they found time in their schedule to study.
On the other hand while I wasn't at the bottom of the class or even close to it I did not top the class either. I had all the time in the world to study but I just wouldn't. I would stay at the library all day and would realize I had read only two pages at the end of the day when am about to go home. Restlessness was my brother. I would think of all the things I could do to while away time when am not in the library or in class and when I do not find anything to while away time at I would just stare blankly at thin air until it is time to go home. And whoop three years passed without me doing anything really whorthwile.
I once discovered that ideas and thoughts are like time they are just passing by waiting for no one. For example if I were writing an article now and I just paused to talk to someone or do something for just 5 minutes when I return I wouldn't write exactly what I wanted or wouldn't even remember what I wanted to write on the first place so I would have to arrange new thoughts and ideas in my mind though it could be better than I originally wanted to write it wouldn't be what I initially wanted to write.
Today am working in most of my waking hours and I just recently discovered an amazing platform known as steemit and I just want to spend my time reading, writing and upvoting postsposts as well as making money but do not have the leisure of doing so so am prompted to remember by very busy and "unfortunate" friends in school who did not let their tight schedule prevent them from being excellent.
Therefore I am going to make a pledge to all my steem FAM that from today unless doing life and death situations I am always going to make at least one post on steemit daily.


Congratulations on joining Steemit. I hope that you find success here. One thing you should try to do is source your photos and give credit to any authors when you use some of their content. I found you through the #payitforward contest. You were featured by @freedomshift. Congratulations.

I understand about having your train of thought train wrecked by an interruption. One step at a time, that's how we all learned to walk, just remember sometimes we wobbled and fell over and it took an effort to get back up on our own two feet. Welcome to steemit, enjoy the ride, I found you via @freedomshift entry into the "pay it Forward" contest.

I found your post because @freedomshift nominated you for the Pay it forward contest

I would stay at the library all day and would realize I had read only two pages at the end of the day

I do that now with steemit 😎
welcome to steemit

@realcontent - you will do great and I'll help.
I'll feature you as one of the three, in my next entry to the Pay It Forward contest.

I read your other post about the subconscious mind.

I would stay at the library all day and would realize I had read only two pages at the end of the day when am about to go home. Restlessness was my brother. I would think of all the things I could do to while away time when am not in the library or in class and when I do not find anything to while away time at I would just stare blankly at thin air until it is time to go home.

This is what you should do before going to bed but you were doing it at the wrong time and used the conscious mind incorrectly. It is call "day dreaming" for a good reason.

Write them down for before the bed time and delegate to the subconscious mind.

Make a list for your conscious mind to focus on.

All the best!

Wow! Thank u

See my post about comments as a more powerful tool.
Upvotes are not useful to you until your SP is high enough.

I will do that now

Wow Thanks