Being Like Children

in #likechildren3 months ago

Biblical scripture tells us to be like children, but what exactly does this mean?

Catholicism teaches us that children trust their caregivers without any hesitation or reservation. They believe that food and clothing will be given, without any doubts or concerns. This is like Hindu’s teachings, in which we are taught to seek spiritual practices & life decisions with honest guidance, emphasizing authenticity & sincerity in one’s quest for truth. This searching for truth should be done without any hesitation or reservation, without any doubts.

Catholicism also teaches that children are free to be who they want to be. Likewise, Aristotle said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” In becoming who you want to be, I encourage you to know who you are. That is the beginning to your life, and the beginning to the end. It is okay to live two lives in one lifetime. Learn who you are, so that you may be who you want to be. Be better than you were yesterday.

Catholicism teaches that children are innocent & generally don’t judge others as bad. They often have a generalized opinion of others being good. Buddhism teaches us to be pure in our decisions, in our behaviors, in our morals, and in our ethics. It’s about being free from guilt & fault.

Last, Catholicism tells us that children are easily inspired by new things. Likewise, having an awe-inspired experience is more than just a feeling. It pushes us to reflect on our place in the universe, as we are only a grain of sand on a beach, yet we are interconnected with everything in the universe.

My challenge to you – be like children today. Enjoy your time.

Peace & love to all

~ KO


