Drugs in Poland!

in #lifestyle6 years ago

First things first

Drugs in Poland are illegal. I mean everything, even marijuana. Before you start to prove me that it’s not a drug I just want to say: don’t do this. Seriously, it’s not about the names, for me personally it’s not but if someone don’t agree it’s also ok.


History and details

Drugs appeared in Poland in ‘80/90 but selling them on the mass scale started 20 years later. By many specialists Poland is going through real boom (just like similar one to this known from America) right now. If you ask somebody on the street who’s older than 14-15 years old he probably will say that he already smoked Mary Jane or ‘had a contact’ with it. It’s not a big deal to get it. Almost everyone have a ‘friend’ or ‘friend’s friend’ which can sell you some. Most of sold stuff is imported from Africa or Holland but according to police crime statistics every year more and more house small plantations are discovered only by the accident. Price for 1g depends on place and quality e.g in Warsaw it’s ~13,5$ but on the village It can be even 9.5$.

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Marijuana is definitely most popular drug in Poland. Why it’s still illegal? Popular theory in smokers circle is that polish government is corrupted and paid by mafia to keep it illegal and more profitable. Is it true? I don’t know but there isn’t any sign that could confirmed that. At least Poland isn’t the only country where MJ is illegal so mafia should be ruling in every other country too. Going further, next in popularity drug is mephedrone.

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It’s much cheaper that cocaine and popular in places like clubs and parties. It’s a little bit harder to get – at least it’s not harvested from home plant – but still you can get it on every estate. On the 3rd place we will find all kinds of acids and stuff like this but I don’t know much about this to be honest, just like about the last, most exclusive drug – cocaine.


You are getting this delivered by taxi after short trip around the place you currently are. In the eyes of society it’s the ticket to higher class, it makes you someone with money and position. Fun fact – I read in some interviews that many addiction clinic clients are complaining about coca quality – it’s worse every year. The last thing that is very popular especially between young peoples it’s something called (after translation – it probably don’t have a analogue name in English) “afterburners”.



I didn’t placed them in any place before because it’s hard to say what it exactly is. Nobody – except creators – don’t know the composition. It is banned all over and over again but if you change even one atomic bond it became in theory the new, legal specific. It’s total crap and every adult avoid this like fire but kids are often catched by colorful covers, cool names and promises of being similar to real drugs. I nearly forgot – it’s sold on the internet so it ‘s really interesting exactly for the kids who don’t know dealers and want to try some illegal stuff. As a culmination I will only admit that number of heroinists marginal and falls every year.


For the last part I’ve got some stories from real life for you – let’s start with last one specific. When I studied, friend of mine told me that shortly after high school graduation he used to try a lot of afterburners. One of them was called “Sztywny Misza” what means “Rigid Misha”. The name wasn’t random because shortly after smoking it he was paralyzed for a few hours. What’s really interesting he was totally chilled but he couldn’t - or didn’t want to - move. He said he was just so fine, lying there without a move like a rock.


Another story is from ’80. Brother of semi-famous polish singer (from band for young people not old, singing in suite grandpa) was doing well in school. For good degreases and nice perspectives, his rich parents decided to rent for him his own flat. It wasn’t big but very cozy. What’s really important he was popular, and what popular kids always do? Yea, crazy and cool things. So he planted Marijuana in his bath. Minus of that situation is obvious - he couldn’t wash himself so he was doing it everyday in another friend’s flat haha. The last story is from another friend of mine. When he was making hash chamber with friends on party, hitting bong hard and so on, suddenly a guy (that’s important!) they knew from a school walked into the room and sat down on a chair. He was looking on them for a while and tried to start conversation with something like “Oh, whoa what a nice smell. Why there’s no Bob Marley playing over here?”. In some really, really weird way he deducted that he’s a policeman undercover and wants provoke them to share with him and when they take out the stuff – arrest them. They made some stupid excuses and left the party real quickly haha.


That’s it, I hope you like articles. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Please comment what do you think about drugs? Is it cool? Maybe it sucks? Are you using some?