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RE: The Story of Money: Work, Wage Labor, and What makes us us?

in #lifestyle7 years ago

Thought provoking as ever dude.
I've never understood why people define themselves by the job that they do, I suppose they're proud that they are smart enough to be trained to perform an activity. I believe anything you leave behind that is beneficial to society is how you should be judged in the end but I digress.
It's sad to see so many folks working for a wage just to stay destitute, such is our society today. Debt is the biggest difference nowadays along with the consumerism that fuels it. So many spend so much on shit they don't need. It's easy for some to say we're in a better place now than in the past, but are we?
50 years ago a man could easily provide for his family by working for a wage, how many can do that now?
It's said "If you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life" maybe that's how the hobo feels.
Great post buddy, apologies for the rambling reply 😉


Your rambling replies are ALWAYS welcome Percy!

So many spend so much on shit they don't need.

This drives me absolutely crazy sometimes. You ever see an old movie called Rancho Deluxe? It's pretty fantastic, was filmed in the 70's in Livingston Montana, about a couple of young guys trying to find their place in the world.

There's an AWESOME scene in it where one of the boys goes back to see his father, and his father launches into this tirade about how everybody has mortgaged their health, education, and future to buy pickup trucks. Living in Montana, it just gets me every time. Don't get me wrong, a good pickup is pretty awesome...but damn do people spend a lot of money they don't have on trucks.

If you ever get the chance, definitely watch it :P It's a classic.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and reading my shit Percy.

Anytime buddy. Your posts are always thought provoking 😉