Divine harmony and your body!

in #lifestyle6 years ago

Each living being is born with a built in harmonic pattern, if you will, which is determined by the genes. Our physical body's measurements clearly indicate this. We have golden ratio written all over us, and same goes for probably all life on earth. This ratio is also found in plants. Some people even call this the fingerprint of god.

By all means of logic, the activities we perform on a day to day basis should be in perfect harmony with our bodies and with our divine nature. But our activities are so complex that it can be hard to tell if we are harmonic or not, even though it shouldn't be hard at all, but maybe it seems hard because we have lost the harmony.

Spiders on the other hand, build webs. These art pieces look perfectly balanced and harmonious. I'm gonna use spiders as an example for this reason and also because there's been two documented experiments with spiders and the 2nd performed by NASA in 1995. They did that to test toxicity of different chemicals. The more toxic, the more deformed webs the spiders built.

This even applies to people, as we all know, our activities are disturbed under the influence of most recreational drugs. So we take a break we have some fun and we go back to work the next day. The problem is we don't stop at recreational drugs. We bombard our bodies with all sorts of toxic chemicals through processed foods, junk foods, sodas, soft drinks, pharmaceuticals and so on. Also the air we inhale and the water we drink aren't pure anymore. Keep in mind we consume these toxins on a day to day basis.

All these combined are enough to have similar effects in human beings as they do on spiders. Our bodies, our cells,our mind loses harmony. We get to the point where we can't see it anymore. The effects are hazardous. We get sick, we're unhappy, we're clueless about where we want to be in life, we forget our true nature. Our work also lacks harmony and when billions of people are being in a non-harmonic state we suddenly wake up in the world like the one in which we live today. Is your work harmonious? Take a second to think.

If we illustrate a harmonic mind as a perfectly symmetric fractal, then a distorted fractal represents our mind on the effect of toxic substances.
So which spider web do you represent?