Family inheritance

in #lifestyle3 years ago

ProWritHub - W2
FAMILY INHERITANCE: How to handle it and Protect Future Generations.

Family INHERITANCE - Has to do possessions/acquisitions, movable or immovable properties that are owned by a particular family and or their projenitors.

The sharing formulae varies from family to family, clan to clan and community to community, but there are conventional procedures that are used in sharing them to the members of the family in question.

Sharing of family INHERITANCE hardly causes uproar in my own community. This arose by the fact that that every young adult only needs a basic head start from the parents or guardian in case of an orphan to hit the ground running to make life better for yourself.

From childhood, HARDWORK, perseverance, honesty and fear of God is drummed into the ears before you step out of your family homestead, that it continues to ring bell in your ear that you need to ask yourself; "Whose family are You"?. That good name is better than silver and gold. So, with that cliche in mind, these young lads go all out, work very hard, earn a decent living, then come back home and invest. With huge investment, most first and even second sons do go out of their way to put up edifices away from their ancestral families.

They hardly really on family INHERITANCE as a source of sustenance. To them, any of the younger ones could take over whatever the inheritance was.

It is believed to be more Honourable to have your own personally earned wealth than hearing that you are depending on family INHERITANCE. Neither will you be regard as somebody of substance is dare cause quarells in the family over material possessions. Of course, by the time some mouthy jesters belonging to your age group buffet you with their tongue, or worst still the famous Abigbo Mbaise Cultural Music Troop reprimand you with their Satirical music rendition , you look for where to hide your face in shame.

However, be that as it may, such contentious issue could arise in a family, ostensibly through the instigation of inlaws, friends or acqaintances, thereby poisoning a person's mind over family INHERITANCE.

Parents, especially the father of the house would do well to put down a will over over whatever property he acquired so that, when eventually he was no more, his offsprings will not kill themselves over family INHERITANCE. But whatever that has to be shared, the first son (Opara) naturally was given preferential treatment. He always has the priviledge of first choice.

He did not position himself as Opara in the family, but providence. So, nobody should begrudge him or engage him in any confrontation.

People in my town, including the traditional Council, town union, youtg groups, Umm ada Union do intervane. in some cases if it becomes so contentious. The document left by a deceased for his surviving family is normally viewed as a sacred document.

In my own family, we do not take such matter as an issue that could distract us. As the first son myself, I could use the position to dorminate and oppress the other two younger ones, but I detest such a situation. Rather I authorised my mother to instruct any of them to take whatever they feel is fair to them, guided by the conscience.

Anac Anyanwu, our last born son is the most peaceful and generous human being I have ever encountered in life. Jude my immediate younger brother works hard to earn a living. He is so I dependent minded.

Each person struggles to but/ acquire properties legitimately and bequet to their children, rather than focusing on family INHERITANCE.

A good number of my people see quarells and bickerings over family INHERITANCE as the trade mark of lazy folks.

The bottom line is that family INHERITANCE hardly causes fracas in my own town, but when it crops up, there are mechanisms that are deployed to addressing such.

Furthermore, I have witnessed families that had misunderstanding over family INHERITANCE, at the end they came together and donated same for public use.

This shows the correct extent people could go to make sacrifices for the good others and still counting.

A key contributor to much importance attached to family INHERITANCE, is the culture of black man and the famed successor. This tends to throw up much quest to secure some thing for the succedding generations to lean on. So that he does not suffer, or struggle very hard to acquire properties. Coupled with a total lack of social welfare scheme that takes care of old people, pay living allowances to the unemployed youths, invest in trade and skills acquisition to ensure that, as much people as possible were meaningfully engaged. This is a glaringly missing link.
Unlike the developed world where food is taken for granted because of it's abundance. The unemployed receives maintenance allowances either weekly or monthly, in addition to social infrastructure that functions optimally.