Lower Your Stress Levels Today By Following This Simple Tips & Tricks

in #lifestyle7 years ago (edited)

Stress is a companion of everyone of us. The way we tackle it determines the quality of life we live. Stress is here with its own agenda and good for who knows what. If stress is a daily companion in your life from which you want to take power away, than read on through this article.



Be creative

Being creative will give you personal satisfaction which will in turn lower your stress levels. When we create something we give life to something new. Whether it is painting, music, dancing, writing… it makes us feel more alive and it gives our life a new value. First discover your talents and than follow them. By following your talents you will also progress faster and create more beautiful things. If you feel that your life is empty for some reason it might just be the case that you are not being creative and not enjoying your talents. Finding a hobby that is in accordance with your talents and wishes will give your life a new meaning and will as a result of your satisfaction lower your stress levels.


Treat yourself to aromatic bath

If you have not tried aromatic bath yet, than you should in the upcoming days. Fill the bath tub with water and add a few drops of essential oil. Lavender, rose, chamomile essential oils are one of the best in helping you lower your stress levels. You can also add some rose dry petals in to the water and light up an aromatic candle beside your bath tub. Try to truly enjoy the aromatic smells while relaxing in the bath tub. Essential oils also hold many other healing properties but this depend on the type of essential oil. Essential oils were used already by the Egyptians and the Romans because they have recognized their therapeutic properties.



Another great way to lower your stress levels is to do stretching and meditation. Yoga asanas or yoga postures which are a form of stretching will make your inner energies flow better which will in turn put you in a better mood and consequently lower your stress levels. One of the proper yoga meditations is a meditation on the silence of the mind and the observation of the flow of thoughts and thinking processes of the mind. Negative thoughts are very often the cause of stress and yoga meditation on the inner silence can help us learn how to prevent and stop negative thoughts when they appear when we are about in our daily lives. It also helps us get more in contact with ourselves which also gives a person a sense of satisfaction and a new meaning to life. If you decide to enroll into a yoga club make sure that the club you are joining practices the asanas or postures and the meditation on the observation of flow of thoughts and inner silence.


Take a walk in the nature


Walking in the nature by itself makes a person more calm and relaxed. By doing this you will lower your stress levels and do something good for your body since fresh air and walking are good for health. Go walking with the people whose company you enjoy and who you like talking too. Decide on some new plans with them and fulfill them to give your life a new meaning.


Detoxicate your body

Detoxicate your body by eating plenty of vitamins and minerals, body scrubbing your skin with sponges, drinking plenty of water and juices, going to sauna and so on. Toxicated body influences the mind and helps negative thoughts come to life. It also lowers your energy levels and makes you feel dull.


Treat yourself to massage

Massage will loosen your muscles and tissue which will help you think more positively. It will also revitalize you and make you feel lighter on your feet which will in turn want to make you be more creative and productive and this is the key to feeling wanted and useful in this world. By feeling useful you will always have enough energy to fulfill the task you have set for yourself. You will also be looking for new things to master and will enjoy life for what it is.


Give this tips and tricks a try and let me know in the comments what you think. I deliver new articles and recipes on a daily basis so be sure to check them out.

The first image is bought so I own the rights to post it on the web and the second image is my creation. The image was taken with my Nikon D-7000.


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