A second chance

in #lifestyle6 years ago

My name is Beatriz and I tell you that two years ago I was diagnosed with 4 tumors and one of them located in the abdomen was large and the doctors told me what at any time I could die if it exploded that I had to have an emergency operation but well I decided not believe in that diagnosis but that God would heal me.
Months passed and the tumor was growing so much that it seemed I was pregnant, I could not have surgery so I was already in God's hands. Spend a year with that in my body until one day my dad takes it badly to the hospital and they told us it was possible that he would die. I prayed for my dad and at that moment I felt as if something had exploded in my abdomen and when I don't see the giant tumor, my abdomen was flat, I was miraculously healed.

Today I am here alive, thanking God for giving me a second chance to live.