6 Reasons Why You Should Be In A Relationship In Your Early 20’s

in #lifestyle6 years ago

Odds are you’re in your early twenties i.e within ages 21 – 25 and you are a good person who wishes to share your life with another. Some people, however, seek out a relationship for the wrong reasons. It doesn’t make sense, right?

Some often say being in your 20’s is supposed to be about experimentation! Exploring new boundaries and pushing past them! Deciding to be “free, man, I just need to live free and clear of any responsibilities…”

Except that’s wrong. Misguided. Dare I say… ignorant!

There’s so much pressure on young people in their 20’s to “get out there!” “See all your options!” “Don’t tie yourself down and waste your youth!”

When it comes down to it, being in a relationship is a huge commitment and it is beneficial to tread carefully.

Here are some healthy reasons why you should be in a relationship

    There is a vast difference between desiring to share love and wanting to receive love. In your early twenties, resolving deep-seated issues prior to finding a romantic partner is probably the best. It’s when you love and care for yourself that you should determine when you’re ready to meet someone.

When you love yourself, it’s much easier for a potential mate to love you back.

A relationship wherein two people love and value themselves opens the possibility for experiencing the joy that encompasses the sharing of love and passion.

    You are probably just working as an employee in your early twenties and you are just figuring out some things about you and your partner. It seems like being in a relationship means you’ll learn about your partner, right? And you will. But at that time, you’ll also learn a lot about yourself. You’ll see how you act with someone else, or how considerate you are. You might learn about some hidden good things, and they might make you a better person and turn your life around. But you’re definitely going to learn bad things.

Thankfully, these too can make you a better person and help you turn your life around. Every bad quality you have is going to come out in a relationship, but once you learn about it, you can address it and remedy the issue. Knowing yourself makes you a better person‒and a better person to be in a relationship with.

    Mutual support is mostly needed at this age because as social beings, most of us want someone reliable and trustworthy to see us through life. Support, in the context of a relationship, is multi-faceted. We need emotional and spiritual support from our partner.

Having a loving partner who also supports your dreams and passions is crucial to relationship happiness. When someone is “all in” on what you want to accomplish in life, things are that much easier and that much more enjoyable.

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    You hear people all the time say, “My spouse/partner is also my best friend.” Of course! You’re intimately involved with a man or woman who knows you better than most friends ever could. So, the “My spouse/partner is also my best friend” thing, while on the surface a bit cheesy, is nonetheless true. Your early twenties should not be void of fun.

Anyways, it is generally much more fun to do things with a partner, especially if you share mutual interests.

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It is very easy to be selfish at this age because you will be caught up in making plans without considering your marital life. How many times have you been too tired to cook dinner for yourself? I’m raising my hand. But knowing my sweetie also had a long day ignites a fire inside of me, and I’m willing to go above and beyond just to make him feel good.

Being in a relationship makes you think about someone other than yourself‒which isn’t limited to just your partner!

Considering the feelings of one person, in particular, leads you to think about the feelings of others in general‒which is a benefit for you and everyone around you!

    Everyone knows that your stress level automatically increases at this age.

Having your partner by your side means you have someone to carry some of the weight of your life. If you’re having a busy day, your partner can help you out with the chores when you get home. If something’s weighing on your mind, you have someone to talk with. Don’t forget about how stressful it is to go to a party or a bar and feel like you have to catch someone’s eye. You have your partner by your side or waiting for you at home.

There’s no pressure to meet someone and impress them. In fact, being in a committed relationship has been shown to hinder the production of a stress hormone called cortisol!

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