LOVE MOTHER: Let us always pay attention to our parents.

in #lifestyle7 years ago

Hello steemians. Have you remember your mother today?

Maybe all of us are not mothers. But we all have a mother. Right now, our mother is older than us. Maybe they have been weaker than us. Or part of it is gone. But they exist in our lives, to drive us to a better life.

Well, the question is what do they need right now? I'm sure our mother is in dire need of affection. She has given birth and raised one or many children. Her son grew and grew over time. And for a moment his son separated from him. Separate because of continuing education. Separate because they married and settled in another city. Or split up because of his work outside the city. So day after day, year after year, a mother will be left alone in her home.

Many things missed mother. He missed the jokes of his children. He missed his son fighting over toys. She longs for her son to run into her arms. She wants to caress her child lovingly.


What should the child do now?
Only one thing mothers really need. Mother desperately needs our attention. The manifestation of that attention can be described in various forms. We can deliver one kilogram of sugar. Or we deliver a bunch of betel. They are very happy with it.

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So, let's give attention to our parents. Especially we pay attention to a mother.

Warm Regards