...and we are back!

in #lifestyle4 years ago (edited)


My dearest Steemians.

I apologize for not posting for a long time.

This last year has been tough on all of us BUT I have to admit - I have become lazy.
I didn't work on anything creative.
Let's not do that again.
Bad 2020.

Lets start a new year. A new decade dude.

Let's hit the twenties!

where do I begin...
Many things have happened since the last time I posted.
I really hope you guys are okay and healthy and everyone is doing the best they can.

Last few months things are kind of starting to come back to normal, or did we just adapt to masks and constant health awareness?
Either way, I started missing you and this beautiful place full of beautiful and unbelievably creative people.

I didn't even see my boyfriend for about 6 months last year!
From March 2020 to August 2020 because Ammar was stuck in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the borders were closed.

But lets say it wasn't all that bad. It did give us a little nudge forward and… WE GOT MARRIED! <3
Yep! August 29th 2020.


Small get together - just us, maid of honor and best man.
Just like we always wanted actually.

The pandemic actually served us good in this case because of two reasons:

First -
We are both terribly shy and never wanted a big wedding!
Even if we invited the closest family members and friends it would easily turn into a 100+ guests wedding.
We come from fertile families. xD

Second -
None of Ammar’s family could attend the wedding because the borders were still closed and it just wouldn’t be fair to share the day with just my family.

So we did what we always talked about, except we wanted the Las Vegas wedding.
But that just wasn’t gonna happen since the travelling is still basically none existent.
Luckily, since we are a tourist country and would go broke without the season, the bars were open during the summer so we decided to do it right here!



I bought my dress in a little vintage shop, he put on his best shirt and we just went for it!
We took our own pictures, I did my own hair and makeup.


Had the most amazing steak lunch at our favorite place called 'Proto'. An amazing little cozy restaurant with homey fresh prepared ingredients and best vine selection.


A wise man once said - It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... and I think we can all relate to that now, since we survived 2020 and even got some happy memories.

Really happy to share this with you :)


Will keep up the regular posts from now on! I promise.

Looking forward to see your work but also bring you the most fascinating pictures, vlogs and facts about this pretty little chunk of Earth!

Stay safe and stay healthy.
Love each other.
Respect each other.

Live your best life!

Xoxo Maria & Ammar !