in #lifestyle4 years ago


South Africa is currently on stage 4 of the National Lockdown, similar to stage 5 with minor adjustments and a curfew...

Whoever thought that we would be spending weeks on end at home and trips to the grocery store would be the biggest event of the week. As a result of the pandemic, we have found ourselves adjusting to a new reality.

This has led to some thoughts and feelings running through my mind while being at home..........

The simple thing like that used to SO normal – like a dinner at a crowded restaurant, working or grabbing a coffee from a busy cafe.

Cleaning seems endless and laundry- as well as making excuses to not sort out the Chair wardrobe/Floordrobe ‘’ The art of piling clothes on a chair to be used in place of a closet or dresser. If a chair is not available one can always defer to a floordrobe’’ (Urban Dictionary).

Forgetting what day of the week it is has become normal. I've worked on both public holidays not realizing that it was a public holiday until I picked up that no one was replying to my emails….

‘’`I Finally have time to try out all these cool recipes, but tonight I will have a simple pasta - But tomorrow I will definitely try something new’’

''Wow, I use to spend a lot of money on Takeouts and Flatwhites '' also me .. '' I can't wait till we can order from UberEats again ''

‘’ Why does it feel like the 100th time that I did the dishes today?!’’

‘’ I will be way more productive tomorrow ! ‘’

‘’ I should paint the kitchen, that should be a fun project ‘’

Cooking, candles, and baking at midnight have become my therapy.

Exercise has gone out the window – I’ve been watching fitness workouts online while eating chocolate and promising myself I would start exercising tomorrow.

I have always thought of myself as more of an introvert who is happy in their own company, turns out I miss seeing and talking to people face-to-face and I miss the smiles of others.

I have realized what kitchen essentials utensils and tools I don't own, like a corkscrew ( needless to say, I struggled to open a bottle of wine the other day).

Referring to the above, day drinking seems to be socially acceptable now. #notcomplaining 😜
Missing family and friends terribly - even the ones I found annoying and the ones with a dry sense of humor.

Working from home in PJs was exciting in the beginning, now I feel the longer I keep my PJs on the less work I get done -Getting dressed in regular clothing is a whole mood changer as well as washing your hair.

Quick trips to the grocery store are something I look forward to.

These thoughts above are obviously mundane ( or ''FWPS '') , a luxury at times when there are people out there performing essential services, those who have lost there jobs /income and are struggling and I do understand that there is a crisis going on and I am saddened by all those who are affected.

However, perhaps you have also had similar pondering thoughts or feelings ( or is it just me? )

If you haven’t? then kudos to you, you are handling lockdown way better than I am👏
What have your pondering thoughts and feelings been lately?
Discovered anything new about yourself?

Much love
