in #lifestory7 years ago (edited)

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After joining Steemit, my life had really changed.
It changed the way I interact with people. It changed my waking hours, my habit when I’m online in the internet, the sites I visited often.

I was just an ordinary facebook user .

My account has 2,884 friends. I manage 3 facebook pages: Rosary Crusaders International , Traditionalists' Concordance Against Modernists , Bro Rolly's Catholic Concordance . I am also a member of 18 facebook groups, 8 of them I manage. It is a busy site for me. That was before I joined Steemit.

I also managed a facebook group Rosary Crusaders International with 1,696 members.

For me, my task in social media is to inform others about my Faith. I am using social media to spread what I know is very important, the most important of all, GOD, CHRIST, RELIGION.

According to Harvard Business Review, “ Researchers have theorized that wealth makes us less generous because it makes us more isolated – and isolation also has a deleterious effect on happiness. Wealth is isolating for both psychological and physical reasons. Psychologically, the acquisition of wealth—and more generally, possessions that signal high status—makes us want to distance ourselves from others. This may be due to a feeling of competition and selfishness that sets in with the acquisition of wealth or status. It may also be because, quite simply, we don’t need other people to survive the way we did when we were poorer. Patricia Greenfield of UCLA and Dacher Keltner of Berkeley have both (independently) found this in their studies; as we grow wealthier, we value independence more and social connectedness less. As for the physical element, it’s quite straightforward: the wealthier we become, the more likely we are to erect boundaries between ourselves and others—for example, by living in a bigger house with a fence around it.”

“If you are lucky enough to be rich, be mindful of your scientifically-proven tendency to isolate yourself. And if you’re still feeling down, try giving some of your wealth away to charity.”

If we search the internet, we can find so many people who committed suicide. Some of them are rich and famous including Marilyn Monroe .

This only proves that money can’t buy happiness.

Money is a very important tool in order to gain friends and higher social status but we cannot bring it with us when we die. Our wealth, our fame, our influence shall die with us one day. Even the heirs of it cannot keep it forever.
There is only one thing which we are sure in this world: we shall leave this world soon.

Our Lord said, "For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?" St. Mat.16:26

That is why I am consistent in spreading the Good News of Faith, Hope and Charity in the social media (in facebook) including here in Steemit. Money does not necessarily give us more credibility than the others.

In my experience, politicians who give money during elections in order to gain more votes are less loved by the people. I knew it by my actual interaction with people including with those die-hard supporters of these “power-hungry” individuals.

When I talked about Religion here in Steemit, only very few understand but I understand them. We are all looking for rewards. And we don’t want to offend others feelings especially those influential people who had different ideas from us. We are also afraid that there may be some rich people who shall bring us down if our opinions are different from them.

My feeling is that I am obliged to inform others about my Faith hoping it can give Hope to those influential people at times when it seems money does not defend them from falling into the pit of despair.

Here, we need to socialize in order to gain good reputation, influence and money. For others, I might be a talking parrot. But in reality, I am just nothing. Big and influential people should not be threatened with my posts or comments.

I am just a voice in the wilderness.

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Please do support sir Terry @surpassinggoogle by voting him under this link https://steemit.com/~witnesses and just type in "steemgigs" as a witness.


Hi Bro. Rolly! Its nice that you've found Steemit. See you around. ☺️

Thank you, @meetmysuperego. I am still a newbie here. There are still many things that I don't know here. I'm only two weeks old (16days) in Steemit since I began posting. I am not expert in dealing with people here. But I'm hoping, they can understand me and my points. There is only one thing that I'm afraid in social media: I'm afraid of losing friends/followers. At times, I like to argue, but it's only for the sake of argument and if I feel that my friends begin to leave me, I'm very quick in asking apology. That is my attitude in social media. Personally, I am a very friendly person. :)