Find Your Own Way

in #life7 years ago (edited)

"Find your own way" By @zymo 


 The emperor changed his clothes,

he's put on a monks rag.

He must've found no peace

as reigning voice behind a flag.

The bankers lost his breifcase

or so he says with a smile

that I bet he found picking parsley

in the garden for awhile.       

The student ditched the party.

Left the dank and drank behind.

She said all this getting faded

is really fading depth of mind           


The pharmacist's harvesting herbs

as an apothecists assistant.

She said she wants to heal holistically, 

not push pills to the resistant.

Hearts, as well as minds, can open wide in sudden instant

and many paths enlighten that we never knew were there.

Discontent can brighten, breathe in Love thats in the air

& find your own way.

 I hope that this poem reaches and inspires you! :)

We go through the journey of life and learn on the way which path really leads us home!
Poetry sure helps me find my way! Thank you everyone for reading!